  • 期刊


A Study of Taiwan Temple by Wang I-Shun






This article is based opon the material of on-the-spot investigational and combines the fragments of the retrospections of several old craftsmasters in interviews. The article tries to make a primary colletive study of 4 temples designed by a Fukien craftsmaster-architect in the second decade of this century. These four great temples are important models of the delicate architecture that belonged to the later period in the architectural history of Taiwan. Besides summing up the developments of the former period, they also had great influences on, the temples after them This article tries to arrange and orgonize the Southern Fukien style of architecture in Taiwan into order on the technical level. The serve as a comparison of the: tributaries of Chinese local architecture. The major emphases of the study will be on the methods of the branches and dimensions of the craftsmasters and the characteristics of the individual style. Wang I-Shvn was from the Hsi-Ti school of Chuan Chow His life as a carpenter strode over the period between the end of Chin Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, and he belonged to the last generation of Chinese crafsmaster-architect His works basically succeded the tradition f cha-kung (one way style of bracket) architecture of Fukien. since Sung Dynasty. Yet, with a background of coustantly contacting western civilization in Amoy and his own charter of hold asseptauce and creations, Wang I-Shun's works reflected appropriately the manner and appearance of the age and its inclination of aesthetic value judgment Architecture expounds the style of an age, and his temples served as a foctnote Besides making architectural analyses surronding these four temples, this article also makes collective comparsion now and then between them and the style and technique of an important craftsmaster in Taiwan Chen YinPih of local their with a view to open up a new field 0f vision using the relationships between craftsmasters and their works as an angle 0f study in the compiling and organizing of archtectural history of Taiwan.




