  • 期刊


Developments and applications of a computerized system for Taiwan diet exposure assessment model: demonstrated for organophosphate pesticides residues in food matrices


目標:開發台灣膳食暴露評估模型,評估有機磷農藥殘留之健康風險。方法:查詢56項有機磷毒理資料,收集2014年總膳食調查及後市監測殘留資料1,235筆,聚類台灣飲食回憶資料401,551筆。採用SQL (structural query language)語言,建立毒理、濃度及攝食量三種關聯式資料庫。攝食量估算採用OIM (observed individual mean)演算法,操作介面採用GUI (graphical userinterface)技術,根據標的器官系統估算累積風險。結果:開發四種GUI雲端模組,毒理模組查詢各類危害物之毒理資料;濃度模組比較各類食品之後市監測與膳食調查濃度;攝食量及風險模組可根據族群及食品類別,估算攝食量及健康風險之各項統計值。以一般族群全部個體平均攝食為指標,顯示有機磷之累積風險為8.94%,其中普硫松之貢獻達73%,含普硫松之前三高風險食品為:芥菜類、芭樂類及莧菜類。結論:平均而言,台灣一般族群有機磷殘留之膳食暴露無潛在風險(<10%),建議後續開發高端風險演算模組之第二層級評估。


Objectives: To develop a computerized system for assessing dietary exposure to residual organophosphate pesticides and to evaluate the associated potential health risk. Methods: We inquired toxicological parameters of 56 organophosphate pesticides regulated by Taiwan Food and Drug Administration, collected residue data of 1,235 samples analyzed in the total diet study and post-market surveillance of 2014, and aggregated 401,551 records obtained from the Nutritional and Health Survey. Using structural query language (SQL), we developed 3 relational databases including toxicology (TOX), residual concentration (CON), and core food consumption rate (CCR). The CCR was calculated using observed individual mean (OIM) algorithm. The user interface adopted the graphical user interface (GUI) technique. The cumulative risks were estimated by target organ systems. Results: Four internet GUI modules were developed, including TOX inquired toxicological data by exposure routes and target organ systems; CON compared residual concentrations monitored in post-market surveillance and total diet study; CCR and RSK modules calculated intake rates and risk with acceptable daily intake (ADI) by exposure group and food category. Using whole group average consumption rates of organophosphates in general population as the risk index, the cumulative %ADI was 8.94%, with 73% contributed by prothiofos, in which the food items with the highest %ADI were leaf mustard, guava, and amaranth. Conclusions: On average, the risk of exposing to dietary organophosphate residues in general population is <10%. An upper bound estimate module should be developed as the 2nd tier assessment.


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衛生福利部食品藥物管理署:農藥殘留容許量標準修正公告,2015/12/22。http://www.fda.gov.tw/TC/news.aspx。引用2016/03/03。Food and Drug Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare, R.O.C. (Taiwan). The official announcement of Correction of Standards for Pesticide Residue Limits in Foods, December 22, 2015. Available at: http://www.fda.gov.tw/TC/news.aspx. Accessed March 3, 2016. [In Chinese]
