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Effect of wearable technology on physical activity promotion: A systematic review


緒論:隨著網際網路與智慧型手機的普及,穿戴型科技成為可激勵人們從事身體活動的新契機,穿戴式科技具有健康行為改變的原因與其功能中的目標設定、即時回饋、社會支持以及增強動機有關,有鑒於此,本研究目的旨在透過系統性文獻回顧來瞭解穿戴式科技對於身體活動促進的效益,包含智慧手錶、智慧手環、行動應用程式。方法:本研究參照系統性文獻回顧與統合分析流程進行學術搜尋與篩選,以EBSCO、Science Direct、Web of Science、MEDLINE、Scopus®及華藝之六個資料庫為主,文章納入條件需為實驗介入型研究、介入措施需要是穿戴式科技產品、結果變項需有身體活動測量變項;排除條件包含非隨機控制試驗、穿戴式科技產品僅用於監測或測量等,使用考科藍誤差風險工具評估研究品質。結果:篩選結果總共有18篇實證型文章進行文獻回顧,系統性文獻回顧結果發現透過穿戴式科技對於身體活動正向影響,多數研究中在實驗介入後實驗組之每日步數、走路及輕度身體活動、中高度身體活動與整體時間皆有增加,且久坐時間也有降低的趨勢,但多數研究實驗組的組內效果並未達到顯著、僅有少數研究達到組間顯著效果。研究設計中,研究參與者涵蓋各年齡層、多數研究介於30至70人間,介入時間以12-24週最多,22.22%研究使用手機應用程式、77.78%研究使用穿戴式手環及其附屬應用程式為介入措施。結論:穿戴式科技是全新、有趣、個人化的促進身體活動方式之一,期望能夠改善身體活動藉以降低慢性病風險,本研究結果給予未來相關研究設計的建議,也提供運動與資訊科技產業在發展穿戴式科技產品設計的參考。


Introduction: Wearable technology has become a new way to motivate people to engage in physical activity. Wearable technology can lead to health behavior modification because of the functions of goal settings, in-time feedback, social support and motivation enhancement. In light of this, the purpose of the present study was to understand the benefits of wearable technology for physical activity through a systematic literature review, including smart watches, smart wristbands, and mobile applications. Methods: This study refers the systematic reviews and meta-analyses for academic search and screening. The six databases, EBSCO, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, MEDLINE, Scopus® and Airiti Library were mainly used. The inclusion criteria were an experiment design, the intervention should be wearable technology products, outcome variables were physical activity related variables; the exclusion criteria were non-randomized controlled trials, wearable technology products are only used for monitoring or measurement. Cochrane risk-of-bias tools were used to evaluate the research quality. Results: There were a total of 18 evidence-based articles. The systematic literature review found that wearable technology has a positive impact on physical activity. In most studies, the number of daily steps, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and light physical activity of the experimental group after experimental intervention were increased and sedentary time was reduced. However, most of studies did not show the significant effect within the experimental group, only a few studies had a significant effect between the groups. In the design of this study, the participants covered all age groups, most studies ranged from 30 to 70 individuals, the intervention time were between 12 to 24 weeks. 22.22% used mobile apps, and 77.78% used wearable wristbands and their affiliated applications as interventions. Conclusion: Wearable technology is one of the new, interesting and personalized ways to promote physical activity. It is expected to improve physical activity and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. The results of the present study might provide suggestions for future research and design, and also a reference for the development of wearable technology products in the sports and information technology industry.


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