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Energy expenditure evaluation of Mt. Qixing Xiaoyoukeng trail: The accuracy of wearable devices


緒論:七星山主峰步道為臺北市近郊熱門登山健行路線,惟其能量消耗的數據仍未被建立,且以穿戴式裝置評估登山健行能量消耗的準確性尚不清楚。本研究目的為建立小油坑步道登七星山主峰的能量消耗資訊並探討穿戴式裝置應用在登山健行能量消耗評估的準確性。方法:10名成年男性(27.2±4.7歲、175.6±5.3公分、73.3±8.1公斤),自小油坑步道登山口健行至七星山主峰後原路折返,所有受試者全程配戴Cortex Metamax 3B能量代謝分析儀(CM3B)測量能量消耗,同時也配戴Garmin Forerunner 235光學心率錶記錄光學心率(OHR)、搭配胸式心率帶收集胸帶式心率(HRM),及估算消耗卡路里。結果:CM3B測得總能量消耗為502.8±76.8大卡,其中上山時CM3B(333.1±40.5大卡)與HRM(361.8±45.0大卡)無顯著差異,但OHR(391.1±37.1大卡)顯著高於其他兩組;下山時HRM(223.1±66.3大卡)與OHR(253.7±58.5大卡)皆顯著高於CM3B(169.7±44.2大卡)。在心率部分,上山時OHR測得之平均心率(133.6±11.6次/分)與HRM(130.7±12.2次/分)無顯著差異;下山時OHR(108.7±9.1次/分)測得之平均心率顯著高於HRM(104.7±10.6次/分)。結論:自小油坑路線登七星山,全程約可消耗503大卡,而使用穿戴式光學心率錶進行能量消耗估計時,無論上、下山皆會顯著高估能量消耗,其中又以下山時的誤差較大,可能與下山時被高估的心率有關。


心跳率 卡路里 攝氧量


Introduction: The Mt. Qixing main peak trail is a popular hiking route in the suburbs of Taipei, however, information about energy expenditure has not been established, and it is unclear whether a wearable device can evaluate the accuracy of hiking energy consumption. The purpose of this study was to establish energy expenditure information for Mt. Qixing Xiaoyoukeng Trail and assess the accuracy of a wearable device for energy consumption assessment while hiking. Methods: Ten adult males (27.2 ± 4.7 years old, 175.6 ± 5.3 cm, 73.3 ± 8.1 kg) hiked from Xiaoyoukeng trail to the main peak of Mt. Qixing, then returned via the same route, using a CORTEX METAMAX 3B (CM3B) to estimate energy consumption and a Garmin Forerunner 235 with a heart rate monitor (HRM) and optical heart rate (OHR) technology to estimate calories burned. Results: The total energy expenditure measured by CM3B was 502.8 ± 76.8 kcal. The CM3B (333.1 ± 40.5 kcal) and HRM (361.8 ± 45.0 kcal) results were not significantly different when going uphill, but the OHR (391.1 ± 37.1 kcal) results were significantly higher than those of the CM3B and HRM; the HRM (223.1 ± 66.3 kcal) and OHR (253.7± 58.5 kcal) results were significantly higher than the CM3B (169.7 ± 44.2 kcal) results when going downhill. Regarding heart rate, there was no significant difference in either the OHR (133.6 ± 11.6 bpm) or HRM (130.7 ± 12.2 bpm) results when going uphill, but the OHR (108.7 ± 9.1 bpm) results were significantly higher than the HRM results (104.7 ± 10.6 bpm) when going downhill. Conclusions: From Xiaoyoukeng Trail to Mt. Qixing main peak, the whole hike can consume approximately 503 kcal, and the wearable device with optical heart rate significantly overestimates the energy expenditure of hiking. Among them, the deviation during downhill hiking is greatest, possibly related to the overestimates of heart rate.


heart rate calories oxygen consumption


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