  • 期刊


Institutional Change of Taiwan's Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry




制度 生技醫藥產業 創投 群聚 技術


The main task of this article is to investigate the role of institutional change in the development of Taiwan's bio-pharmaceutical industry. The major findings of this paper are first, in the 1990s the local's bio-pharmaceutical institution followed as the advanced national one played a leading role, and the advanced nations' institutional changes eventually became the most important global participant. Secondly, those institutions were restructured to adapt to the regulations globally. This article attempts to explain the gray and overlapping zone to investigate the role of institutional change in the development of Taiwan's bio-pharmaceutical industry. The explanation occurs as a result of changes in the power relationships among agents, or in the consequences desired by agents who are powerful enough to govern in bargaining with powerless ones. Thirdly, to be able to take due account of this, this research suggests to distinguish between power relationship of change, which may include either powerfulness or powerlessness, and impulses of change, which may include fund, infrastructure, and technology. It is to the exploration of eight types of changes that conceptualize properly current development in the political economy of Taiwan bio-pharmaceutical industry which is an outstanding example of the dynamism of the policy-driven system. These types of power relationship are built by heaps of agents. Moreover, in order to maintain the linkage to the market and technology, some agents began to invest in mainland China especially some local big Pharmas. In this article, technology and territorization are both used to explain the motivations of those firms to boarder-crossing.


中華民國創業投資商業同業公會(2005)。2005 年台灣創業投資年鑑。中華民國創業投資商業同業公會。
何俊輝 (2005)〈民間企業如何運用行政院開發基金共同發展文化創意產業〉,《行政院開發基金》,2005 年8 月25 日。http://www.df.gov.tw/docs/
