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Effectiveness of Medical Ethics Teaching and Associated Group Learning Factors




The use of small-group tutorials in medical ethics education has been emphasized recently. However, there has been little research on their effectiveness and associated group learning factors. The present study aims to evaluate the teaching effectiveness using a small-group tutorial method and its related group-learning factors rated by sixth-year medical students, who completed a course of medical ethics at the National Taiwan University College of Medicine in one of two academic years. The course was conducted as weekly four-hour discussions for six consecutive weeks. Each group of students contained approximately 20 members. Each two-hour session was facilitated and coordinated by tutors. Following a brief presentation during each session, all of the students were asked to give problem-based and case-centered examples as triggers for open discussion. Reliable self-rating questionnaires were used to assess teaching effectiveness, group interaction and group climate. Post course questionnaire surveys of 239 students (N=113 for 1995; N=126 for 1996) of two consecutive academic years revealed that a great majority(92% in year 1 and 98% in year 2) of the students considered medical ethics education to be important for professional development, and 90%~96% suggested that ethics courses be taught during clinical training years. A majority of students was very satisfied with the course content (69.1% in year 1:73.8% in year 2) and the teaching format (56.7%:69.9%). The students' ratings on effectiveness of the course indicated that 70.8% to 84.1% of the students reported significant gains in their general knowledge of medical ethics and 81.6% of the min the ability to perform ethical reasoning. Analysis of students' ratings of group-learning factors showed that group interactions improved by year. Stepwise multiple regression analysis demonstrated that 22.3% of the variance in gain of ethics knowledge was accounted for by four factors including ”classmate's comments”, ”considered instructor as a model”, ”feeling of involvement in group interaction”, and ”concerned about instructor's viewpoints”. And 29.4% of the variance in gain of ethical reasoning ability was explained by the first three of four aforementioned factors and another three factors including” learned how to collect in formation”, ”face-to-face clarification of problems”, and ”express personal viewpoints”. In conclusion, the two-consecutive-year study consistently demonstrated that students were satisfied with the teaching method and course content. The degree of teaching effectiveness was noted to have progressed by year as a result of improvement in group interaction and group climate. The present study provides valuable information and empirical data about teaching outcome and associated effective group learning factors in medical ethics education using a small-group tutorial method.


