  • 期刊


A Study on News Stories Reported by the Mainland Chinese Correspondents Based in Taiwan, Whom Assigned by the Xinhwa News Agency and the People's Daily


2001年2月8日,臺灣正式開放中國大陸駐點記者來臺駐點採訪,使兩岸新聞交流進展走向更爲平衡對等的新階段。本研究期望透過對中國大陸派駐於臺灣的記者新聞報導的觀察和探討,來了解此一政策下,駐點記者對於臺灣新聞報導的具體呈現方式。 本研究主要採用『內容分析法』與『焦點團體法』,內容分析針對《新華社》與《人民日報》的報導主題、新聞來源、新聞報導涵蓋區域、新聞報導方式、新聞報導組成、態度取向、文宣策略運用、新聞訴求各方面,作細部分析。 此外,進一步針對:透過新聞篩選塑造特定臺灣形象、人情趣味新聞居多與新聞來源多元化表象的背後,以及不同屬性媒體的報導差異等三個議題,做質化探討發現,中國大陸媒體擅用事實陳述塑造臺灣的負面形象,而人情趣味新聞居多與新聞來源多元化,只是一種表象。不同屬性媒體的報導,在報導主題與新聞調性上有所差異。 由於兩岸新聞觀本質差異的影響,使得開放中國大陸記者駐點臺灣的新聞表現,未能如臺灣官方所期望藉由政策開放,達到駐點記者對臺灣正面報導的成效。最後,本文建議政策上可以持續開放中國大陸駐點臺灣媒體的範圍,使得中國大陸有市場影響力的地方媒體,有機會可以駐點臺灣,使中國大陸民衆接觸更多元的臺灣新聞。


Taiwnese government has released the policy concerned that allowing the mainland Chinese correspondent journalists to gather news in Taiwan on 8(superscript th) Feb. 2001. This policy made the news interactions between mainland China and Taiwan into a new stage, which is more equal and balance. This study expects to analyze the news stories reporting by mainland Chinese correspondent journalists after the released of the policy, and try to understand their reporting angles, and so forth. Two methods are employed in this study, one is ”content analysis” and the other is ”focus group”. Content analysis aims to analyze the news topics, sources, arena, reporting methods, constituents, attitude orientations, propaganda strategies, and news appealings. Besides, this study also found that the journalists were good at using the objective facts to mold the negative image of Taiwan. The reports of human interest stories and the diversified news sources were merely a pseudo image. Furthermore, the different media types also showed the differences in the selections of the news subjects. Due to the different ideology and definitions of news nature between mainland China and Taiwan, the mainland Chinese journalists' news framing are still constraint by their ideology. Finally, this study suggests to continue releasing the policy of allowing more market-oriented, and influential local mass media in mainland China to send the correspondent journalists to Taiwan.


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