  • 期刊


The Estimated Administration Time and Related Factors for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition(WAIS-III) in Taiwan





This paper reports estimated administration times for each of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale- Third Edition (WAIS-III) subtests and indexes using a sample of 109 normal Taiwan adults. The II subtests that yield the Verbal, Performance, and Full scale IQs averaged approximately 86 minutes. The 11 subtests that yield the Verbal Comprehention, Perceptual Organization, Working Memory , and Processing Speed Indexes averaged approximately 81 minutes. The 13 subtests that yield both the IQ and Indexes averaged approximately 101 minutes. Results indicated that the time estimates vary widely between subjects, and subjects with lower ability levels or with less education history require less administration time than other subjects. On the average , subjects with IQ lower than 89 need only 76, 67, and 82 minutes to complete subtests which group three IQs, four Indexes, and both. Possible explanations and applications were discussed and suggestions were made for future studies.


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