  • 期刊


The Resources Mobilization and Integration in Nonprofit Organization: The Study of Community Development Association


近年來由於政府在社區營造上極力的推動,以及民間自主力量活化的結果,社區型非營利組織已經相當蓬勃發展,促使社區功能朝向多元化發展,同時也促使社區型非營利組織在台灣社區中的影響與功能更形重要。過去研究發現社區型非營利組織由於規模小,經常以單一行政村里為其地理範圍,導致該類型組織雖然提供多元的社會服務,但因受限於區域性及服務腹地狹礙的特質,導致其不管在人力、物力與財力的取得上,經常不足而面臨窘境,資源取得不易是台灣社區發展協會的共同難題與困境。 本研究以社區型非營利組織在資源取得的過程作為研究方向,探討社區型非營利組織如何因應社區內部結構,以及外部環境的變化,取得有利之基礎,以作為社區服務資源提供之要件。本研究選定兩個已穩定發展之社區發展協會作為研究對象,一個位於屏東縣,另一個位於台南市,利用此兩個已經運作多年的協會之分析,發掘台灣社會當中,一種由下而上的草根性組織如何針對社區問題進行發掘與反思,同時利用各類資源動員模式,找到解決社區問題的策略。從資源動員過程中發現,會與政府的合作關係及其態度,決定了該社區在財務資源的成效。此外因應社區環境的變遷,協會主動與鄰近的各類組織進行合作,以及擴大其服務的領域,此為社會資本的運用,同時可為社區降低運作的不確定性。


In recent years, thanks to the government's support for and promotion of community empowerment projects, together with the revival of the autonomous and independent spirit of the people, community non-profit organizations have been enjoying a strong and vigorous development. As a result, the community has gained in the range of its functions, and nonprofit organizations now exercise a stronger influence in the community. Past studies discovered, however, that because of the limited scale of operations of such community non-profit organizations, they often operate only within a single local administrative unit, be it a town or a village. Thus, while such organizations may be able to provide a wide range of social services, the services extend only to people in the local community. The result is they often fall into the predicament of inadequate human, physical, as well as financial resources. The difficulty in procuring resources is a common problem encountered by most community development associations in Taiwan. This study purports to examine the process by which community nonprofit organizations manage to obtain resource funding. It investigates how such organizations respond to internal organizational structure as well as changes in the external environment in order to win an advantageous position for obtaining community resources. Two stable community development associations were selected as the target of study, one in Pingtung County and the other in Tainan City. Analyzing the experience of these two long-established associations, the study looks into the way such bottomup grassroots organizations unearth and explore problems faced by the community and, following various resources mobilization patterns, work out the best strategy to solve those problems. The examination of the resources mobilization process shows that the cooperative relationship and attitude between the association and the government determine the success of the financial funding obtained by the community organization. In addition, responding to changes in the environment, the associations often take initiative to cooperate and network with various neighboring organizations in order to expand the scope of their services. Such is the utilization of social capital, which works to reduce the uncertainty of the operations of these community non-profit organizations.




