  • 期刊


On the Acquisition of Determiner Elements by English and French Learners of Mandarin


本研究分析英法母語人士在學習華語時限定成分之錯誤,在篇章結構的脈絡下,將焦點放在光桿名詞、「一+(量詞)+名詞」組合和零回指的使用,比較和母語為華語者的使用情形。按照Chierchia(1998)名詞映射參數(Nominal Mapping Parameter)的分類,華語、法語和英語的名詞指涉分屬不同類型,對於限定成分的組合,也有不同的規則。和法語相比,英語和華語的名詞組合相似度較高,在學習華語的過程中,英語人士是否比法語人士更能掌握華語的名詞組合、特別是光桿名詞的使用,為本文關切的主題。本研究以對比分析的角度,以及量化和質化分析並行之方式,探討母語背景對於外語學習者學習華語限定成份之影響,並進一步探討篇章類型與偏誤類型之關係。文末則根據分析結果,提供限定詞教學建議,供第一線華語教師參考。


The present paper analyzes the errors of determiner elements made by English and French learners of Mandarin, with a special focus on bare nouns, a/an+ (classifier)+N and the phenomenon of zero pronouns. According to the Nominal Mapping Parameter proposed by Chierchia (1998), Mandarin, English and French belong to different typological groups, and English is more similar to Mandarin compared with French in that both of them have bare nouns. The question arises as to whether English learners of Mandarin have advantage over French learners when it comes to the acquisition of bare nouns. Adopting a contrastive analysis perspective, we shall examine the influence of native language on the acquisition of determiner elements in Mandarin, and will further investigate the relationship between topic continuity and error types.


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