  • 期刊


The Relationship between Physical Exercise, Free Radical and Antioxidant Supplements


活性氧物種(reactive oxygen species, ROS)是誘發體內自由基氧化壓力決定因素之一。本文首先探討激烈運動ROS之主要產生途徑與清除機制,其次比較混合維生素增補劑處方對運動氧化、抗氧化指標測試結果。指出激烈運動後部分ROS信號分子刺激所產生的運動適應,可能提高之氧化壓力適應能力、個別受試對象體內組織與細胞間存在不同程度之抗氧化劑、與不同增補劑處方介入等交互因素,來解釋受試者體內不同程度氧化與抗氧化指標變化測試結果。提供未來針對特定運動項目與強度刺激,闡述受試者體內局部或組織間ROS與抗氧化指標變化之可能交互機制參考。同時建議進一步針對傳統中草藥,發展其抗氧化與抗發炎成分在運動誘發氧化壓力之成效研究,確認其運動抗氧化增補劑之應用價值,與運動恢復之選擇利用。


運動 自由基 抗氧化增補劑


Reactive oxygen species (ROS) as one of the decisive factors induced the internal free radicals to oxidative stress. In this review, we first investigated the main source of ROS following acute exercise and the removed mechanism, the second to analyze the research effects of mixed vitamins supplements on the marks between oxidant and antioxidant induced by physical exercise. The result revealed that the mutual factors of the adaptive process of exercise caused by the signal molecule of ROS following acute exercise, may enhance the adaptive ability to oxidative stress, the internal tissues itself with different concentration of antioxidants and the different prescription of supplements etc., to explain the different level of marks between ROS and antioxidant in individuals from other comparing researches. These factors provide the next research to expound the possible interactive mechanism between ROS and antioxidants in local or different tissues of individuals under the specific exercise and intensity stimulation. We also recommended to the further research about the test effects of antioxidant and anti-inflammation components in traditional Chinese medical herb to oxidative stress induced by physical exercise, to confirm its application value in sport antioxidant supplements and help to make use of sports recovery.


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