  • 期刊


The Influence of Physical Activity Dose-Response on All-Cause Mortality among Middle-Aged and Older Adults: A Longitudinal Analysis from 1996 to 2007


目的:雖然已有許多研究指出身體活動對降低死亡風險的效果,但有關於中老年人不同身體活動劑量反應對全因死亡率的影響,仍有不同的爭論。因此本研究之主要目的,在於比較分析中老年人不同身體活動頻率、強度、持續時間對全因死亡率的影響。方法:本研究方法使用衛生署國民健康局台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查1996至2007年資料為主要分析依據,以1996年50歲以上之中老年男女計5,131人做為樣本基礎資料來源,且持續追蹤樣本存活情形至2007年止。將所有資料登錄並以Cox正比例涉險模式分析後,結果:發現中老年受試者,每週身體活動頻率1-2次及6次以上顯著影響全因死亡率的差異(涉險比[aHR]及95%信賴區間[CI]分別為,0.67,95% CI:0.48-0.95;0.75,95% CI:0.58-0.96),而每次身體活動持續時間及身體活動強度則並不顯著。結論:綜合上述結果,本研究發現對於中老年人休閒時間身體活動而言,每週身體活動頻率與全因死亡率有顯著相關,但每次身體活動持續時間及身體活動強度則無顯著關係。


運動 休閒時間 死亡風險 老年人


Purpose: There is good evidence that physical activity reduces the risk of death. However, it is still equivocal whether physical activity dose-response in later life are associated with mortality in older adults. This study aimed to examine the frequency, duration, and intensity of leisure-time physical activity in relation to risk of death among middle-aged and older adults. Methods: The analyses were based on nationally representative data from the Taiwan's Health and Living Status of the Elderly Survey in 1996 to 2007. Data from the cohort of 5,131 participants aged 50 and older at baseline in 1996 with 11 years of follow-up were analyzed. Cox's proportional hazards models were conducted to assess the does-response relation between physical activity and risk of death. Results: Participants engaging in physical activity for 1-2 time and 6 more time pre week had a lower risk of death compared with sedentary individuals (adjusted Hazard Ratio [aHR] and 95% confidence interval [CI] were 0.67, 95% CI: 0.48-0.95; 0.75, 95% CI: 0.58-0.96), but no clear associations were found between duration, intensity of physical activity and mortality. Conclusions: The frequency of leisure-time physical activity in later life is significantly related to lower risk of mortality, but not duration and intensity of physical activity.


exercise leisure time risk of death elderly


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