  • 期刊


To Study the Effect of Internal and External IMC on Purchase Behaviors in Museum's Special Exhibition-Involvement as a Mediator




Museums are a part of culture exhibition facilities in Culture Creative Industry (CCI). Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is used to promote Museum's Special Exhibition since 1990's. The research question is 'Does IMC for museums impact consumers' purchase behaviors?". The variable "involvement" is proposed as a mediator because the involvement means people's information about museum special exhibition from IMC. Taipei Fine Arts Museum and National Palace Museum are chosen as examples in this study. Regarding marketing concept, there are internal marketing towarnd organizational employees and external marketing toward outside potential consumers. Along this concept, IMC usually overall communicate with outsiders and consumers inside museums. Therefore, we have investigated 330 people who have not been to the exhibition "PIXAR 20 Years of Animation" by Taipei Fine Arts Museum. Evaluate those people's purchase intention of tickets and try to figure out the effect of IMC on purchase intention of buying ticket. Meanwhile, we collected 257 consumers who were already in the special exbition by National Palace Museum in order to understand their purchase behavior of merchandise. The results show that either internal or external IMC does have significantly positive impact on involvement and then influence people's intention of buying tickets or purchase behaviors. Involvement plays a mediating role.


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