  • 期刊


Tracing the Worship of the Honorable Water Immortal Kings




水仙 水仙尊王 民間信仰 划水仙


Water immortal Wu Zixu was worshiped by crewmen in province of Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong for a long time. The members of water immortals were enlarged from notables to the commoners that died in the water. Water Immortal Temples in Taiwan hosted five water related deities, they are the Great Yu (大禹), Wu Zi-xu (伍子胥),Qu Yuan (屈原), King Xian Yu (項羽), and Lu Ban (魯班), and their deities birthday are June 6, November 14, May 5, October 10, May 7 in order. The deities worship type in Taiwan was tracing from water immortal King Wu (Wu Zi-xu) which misleading to five water immortal kings. The five water immortal kings were derived from Amoy and were introduced to Taiwan under the rule of the Zheng Family. On the shipwreck, the crewmen summoned goddess Tian-fei (天妃) and water immortals, and acted as paddling the ship that called ”the water immortal paddling”, the crewmen would be saved by water immortals. This ceremonial action was tracing to amuse the deities in south China.The worship of Wu Zixu was changed to worship ship deity in 5-10 century. The name of ship deity was Meng-gong and Meng-lao (孟公孟佬), also had been the river deity and wind deity, were supposed to be derived from Feng-yi (馮夷). They became to worship wind deity Yan-gong (晏公) in Ming Dynasty. The Tian-fei subdued Yan-gong and water immortals in Folk legends of Ming Dynasty. Tian-fe, Kuan-di, and ship deity (or the Honorable Water Immortal Kings in Amoy and Taiwan) became the tree worship deities on board in Ming Dynasty. They always had the Tian-fe Temple, Kuan-di Temple, and Water Immortal Palace (or these deities in one temple) on the main harbors of Taiwan in Qing Dynasty.
