  • 會議論文


Development of Renewal Evaluation Model for External wall Tiles of Aged Buildings in Taiwan


本研究旨在擬定老舊建築物外牆磁磚劣化更新評估方法之劣化標準與診斷流程,並對公共安全影響區分檢測結果分級,提出更新的整建策略,以及檢測的標準作業流程。本研究先以外牆磁磚D. E. R目視診斷劣化評估方法檢測,計算外牆磁磚狀況指標後,再以公共安全影響性進行分級。而後則針對目視診斷結果較模糊之位置進行打音法診斷。打音診斷部份以打音棒敲擊磁磚牆面,利用錄音設備收集回音後,以快速傅立葉轉換(Fast Fouriertransform, FFT)聲音的能量為頻譜圖,再以方格圖形化切割頻譜圖,以聲音能量面積判斷磁磚劣化結果。經700處實驗結果彙整顯示,本研究發現頻率出現在200-800 Hz之間之頻譜圖結果,推測磁磚有劣化空洞現象產生,建議作為判斷磁磚劣化之依據。本研究並提出外牆目視與打音診斷不同程度別的診斷流程,供政府快速指定更新整建地區參考依據。


This study focuses on a renewal evaluation deterioration standard and procedure for external wall tiles. The visual test results are categorized based on impact on public safety, and renovation strategies are proposed. The diagnosis mainly adopts the D.E.R. visual inspection deterioration assessment method. After producing an external wall tile Condition Indicator (CI). For stage 1 diagnostic results that fall in a gray area, stage 2 diagnosis was carried out using a tap tone test, followed by fast Fourier transform and pattern recognition to analyze the tapping results. Based on the test results, the study recommends that for frequencies between 200 and 800 Hz on the spectrogram, it can be deduced that a cavity is present in the tiles, and this can be used as basis for determining tile deterioration. The study also recommends directions for future amendment of regulations, and provides a basis of reference for the government in determining urban renewal, renovation and maintenance strategies.


