  • 學位論文


Integrated Zonal Fare for Urban Transit Systems

指導教授 : 張學孔


在各項提升公共運輸服務品質的路網、營運、資訊等政策中,轉乘與票證整合一直是營運整合中重要的課題,而公共運輸系統跨運具整合的分區費率制度自1967年問世以來,已普遍被各大城市採用。如何藉由臺灣各地大規模調整、優化公共運輸路網的機會,配合票證制度調整引入新的分區費率制度,是值得探討的課題。 本研究應用路網分析模式與模擬方法,針對都會區建立一般化數學模式,考量變動旅客需求與營運者成本,探討公共運輸區段整合費率(zonal fare)之最佳化,研究中加入政府補貼以及損益兩平之不同情境進行最大旅客量、最大社會福利之最佳化分析。並以所建之模式應用在臺南市由臺鐵和公車所形成之公共運輸路網,以分析其應用區段費率制度之可行性。 數值實例分析之結果顯示,臺南市之公共運輸系統最佳分區費率為基本費15.400元,跨區費3.882元,服務頻率維持與現況相同。實施區段整合費率後,旅客量可增加4.43%,社會福利可增加1.77%。另藉由控制平均票價,證明實施區段整合費率可提高系統效率、增加旅客量且不會減少業者營收。本研究並模擬無縫轉乘、私人機動運具外部成本內部化之政策,分析其增加公共運輸旅客量的效果。 本研究建立之一般化公共運輸系統區段整合費率模式,可應用於分析其他都會區之最適費率,亦可做為制定公共運輸費率政策及績效評估的工具。


Integrated tariff system is the best-practiced policy to improve quality and accessibility of urban transit systems. The integrated zonal fare was introduced to many cities, especially in Europe since 1967. It is a good opportunity for Taiwan to introduce a new tariff system during urban transit reform in many cities. A model was developed by networks analysis and simulation approach for urban transit systems with elastic demand. The zonal fare structure and service frequency are optimized to maximize social welfare or the number of passengers subject to financial constraints of break-even and subsidy cases. We apply this model to Tainan City as a numerical example. Results show that the optimal fare structure of Tainan’s transit systems is that the basic fee is NT15.400 and the counting zone fee is NT3.882, and the service frequency stays unchanged. The introduction of integrated zonal fare will increase the number of passengers by 4.43% and raise social welfare by 1.77%. This study also shows that zonal fare system will improve the efficiency and ridership of transit systems without decreasing the revenue. We also simulate the outcome of the following two scenarios: seamless transfer and the internalization of external costs of private motorized modes. The methodology developed in this study can also be applied for other cities as a measurement of effectiveness for transit pricing policies and the impact of fare integration on transit ridership.


31. 張有恆(2006),「運輸經濟學(三版)」,華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
39. 楊淑貞(1987),「公鐵路客運運價之研究」,交通部運輸研究所。
43. 臺南市政府交通局(2012a),「新營汽車客運公司偏遠服務路線營運報表」。
44. 臺南市政府交通局(2012b),「台南市市區汽車客運業營運概況」。
45. 臺南市政府交通局(2012c),「興南汽車客運公司偏遠服務路線營運報表」。
