  • 學位論文


The Adhesion Ability in Habitat Research of Introduced Polypedates megacephalus and Native Polypedates braueri

指導教授 : 侯文祥




Polypedates megacephalus, a tree frog species whose native habitats are China and Southeast Asia, invaded Taiwan via activities of importing aquatic-grass in 2006. The appearance and habitats of Polypedates megacephalus are similar to Polypedates braueri which is endemic amphibian species in Taiwan. Polypedates megacephalus inhabits agricultural ground at elevation below 600 meters. To date, previous studies in aiwan were limited to determine the effects of the competition on the habitats and food resources between the 2 species. However, according to Taiwan Amphibian Research Team's record, the population of Polypedates megacephalus has extended to western Taiwan gradually. In 2010 both species population were recorded at Yinko, Bi-Long Gong simultaneously, but in 2011 Polypedates megacephalus had became dominant species in that area. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to quantify the behavioral abilities of both species thoroughly in accordance with the habitat demand and investigate the effects on the competition to the habitats and food resources between them. We measured both species' body length, weight, and jumping ability in precision. Then, we conducted different experiments based on Polypedates megacephalus and Polypedates braueri's habitat conditions: their adhesion abilities responded to different materials like, grass, wood, brick and concrete, coordinated the angles of the slope and simulated the temperature and humidity in Taiwan's summer and winter. The results had shown that the jumping abilities of female Polypedates megacephalus is 95% of female Polypedates braueri and the male Polypedates megacephalus is 87% of male Polypedates braueri. This study shows that even though Polypedates megacephalus is physically larger then Polypedates braueri, but their jumping ability is worse. Base on summer and winter's dry and humility conditions on our four different simulated models, the study results demonstrated that from the strongest to worse adhesion abilities are, male Polypedates megacephalus, male Polypedates braueri, female Polypedates braueri, female Polypedates meagacephalus . We also tested both species adhesion abilities on 4 different type of materials; the easiest to worse adhesion materials are listed: brick, wood, concrete, to grass. We found out that the coarse of the material surface and the humidity of the material both will effect their adhesion abilities. Because of the suctions on both species' toe-pads, their motilities and jumping abilities are higher then other amphibian, therefore, in the engineering construction on the slope, we could raised the slope to 60 degree higher. Our research investigated the differences of amphibian motilities in terrestrial and freshwater habitats to determine whether Polypedates megacephalus cause effects and treats on habitat demand of Polypedates braueri, and this could provide reference basis for the design of ecological engineer for amphibian habitat conservation purpose in the future.


21.楊懿如(2012C),台灣新發現的外來種斑腿樹蛙(Polypedates megacephalus)紀錄,臺灣博物 30 (4):76-79。
