  • 學位論文


The literatures of military dependent’s village by We-jen Su

指導教授 : 呂正惠 蘇敏逸


在八○年代的社會、政治、經濟背景下,討論女性作家興起及眷村文學的相關論述很多,本文主要討論蘇偉貞的創作風格及可能受到的影響、分析蘇偉貞從女性文學進入眷村文學的轉折以及眷村文學的特色及內涵。 本文首先探討眷村如何帶著本身特殊的體制結構與族群文化,介入了台灣戰後的政治、經濟、社會與歷史建構,而其所糾結纏繞的種種歷史因緣與政治情境,形之於文學,使得眷村小說得以具體而微的觀照出整個時代環境的發展過程,並就眷村的形成建構與文化情境、國家想像與族群自覺提出討論,從眷村生活到書寫記憶、鄉愁與離散、國族認同與文化認同幾個面向探討眷村文學的內涵。 在蘇偉貞女性小說的研究部分,除了討論蘇偉貞的創作風格及特殊的敘事語言,並從政治、社會、經濟方向,討論七○年代女性創作者在台灣社會邁向開放多元的同時,面對書籍市場的「商業邏輯」,在台灣社會轉型的階段扮演什麼樣的角色。文章進一步討論文學資源、文學典律與國族建構的關係,並探討文化產品的生產和消費條件的改變,如何造成女性文學在七○年代初期創造權力關係的位移和連帶的資源分配問題,誰掌握了較多的文化資源,而這些資源的運用又如何介入當時文化論述場域的意識形態之爭?隨著台灣政治解嚴,經濟起飛,八○年代女性作家介入家國鄉土都市想像間的各種複雜情結,對家國情懷、認同論辯進行深入的觀照與反思。 最後,藉由蘇偉貞兩部長篇眷村小說,刻劃眷村現實生活,藉由更多的認識與了解,分析眷村的困境與叛離、掙扎與省思。期盼於研究後,能以更開闊的胸襟與視野接受/容納曾經擁有不同歷史記憶的族群,在同時生養雙方的土地上,突破既有的思考侷限,努力彌合族群裂縫。


蘇偉貞 眷村 書寫記憶 鄉愁 離散 認同


In the social, political and economical backgrounds of 1980s, there were numerous discussions about the emergence of female writers and the literature of military dependents’ villages, the so-called juancun wenxue. This study probes into Wei-chen Su’s creative writing style and the profound literature of military dependents’ villages. This study aims at Wei-chen Su’s female novels. It not only considers Wei-chen Su’s creative writing style and unique depiction, but also tackles what kinds of roles these creative female writers of the 1970s had under the circumstances in which the Taiwan society was changing toward a more open-minded one and in which the profit was of great importance in the book market. Furthermore, this study investigates the relationships between the resources and canons of literature and the formation of a country race. It also discourses upon how female literature of the 1970s caused the power shift and led to the problem of resource distribution with the change of cultural products and consumption conditions. Who controlled more cultural resources? How did the application of these resources intervene in the ideological debate about cultural discourse field? As Taiwan lifted its political martial law and the economy soared at the same time, female writers stepped in various complexes about the imagination of countries and cities, making diverse and delicate meditations. By means of Wei-chen Su’s two long novels on military dependents’ villages, the study explores how these villages with special structures and ethnic communities interfered in the reconstruction of politics, economy, society and history during the postwar period in Taiwan. The entangled historical factors and political situations made the novels on military dependents’ villages a miniature of the whole environmental development. Besides, the study observes the formation of military dependents’ villages versus the cultural conditions, enlightenment versus realistic awakening, and the imagination of a country versus ethnic groups’ consciousness raising. In addition, the study examines the profound content of the literature of military dependents’ villages from the following aspects, the lifestyle in military dependents’ villages, the memory of these villages, nostalgia, dispersion, ethnic identification and cultural identification. Eventually, the study expects that the literature of military dependents’ villages is deserved its appreciation and that we can accept those ethnic groups who have different historical memories with a more capacious mind. On the land where we all get nurtured, the study hopes we can break through the limitation of thinking and endeavor to bridge the gap between ethnic groups.


