  • 學位論文


After Diaspora: Constructing Identity and Subjectivity of The Ethnicity of Military Dependents’ Villages

指導教授 : 林欣怡 賴雯淑


「眷村」做為臺灣戰後獨特的社會現象,所發展的文化意涵不僅是城市紋理的,也是精神結構的。1949年國民政府因國共內戰失利撤退來臺,大批來自中國各省的軍隊及其眷屬被迫轉往臺灣,是民國以來最大宗的人口遷徙,亦形成了特殊的眷村聚落與地景。當政府將臨時性質的老舊眷舍拆除轉而將眷戶安置於國宅,對於外省族群及其家眷而言,拆除的不只是物質性的身份象徵,同時也移除了眷村居民的生命場所,成為某種精神上的流亡。做為生長於臺南市北區實踐新村的「少數」眷省三代,本研究試圖透過此生命場所的自我民族誌(autoethnography)書寫,以自身成長的「眷村」做為起始點,訪查相關的眷村路徑圖,論述其地方感、歷史性,以及共同存有的精神結構,以感官民族誌(sensory ethnography)做為藝術實踐的方法取徑,試圖回應與反思臺灣戰後眷村歷史脈絡中關於「離散」的提問。


A “Military dependents’ village” is a unique social phenomenon found in Taiwan after WWII. It has developed cultural connotations that are not only urban texture but also a mental structure. Due to its defeat in the Chinese Civil War, the Kuomintang government retreated to Taiwan in 1949. A large number of military personnel and their families from various provinces of China were forced to come to Taiwan. This was the largest population migration since the Republic of China was established, and it also formed a special settlement of military dependents and landscape. When the government demolished the old buildings of dependents’ village and placed villagers in public housing, the demolition not only destroyed the material symbol of their identity, but also removed their living places, causing their emotional and psychological exile. As the third generation of a minority group who grew up in a dependent village, through artistic practice, I attempted to write my own autoethnography that has already disappeared in this place. Using the “dependents’ village” I grew up in as a starting point, I visited the related village map and discussed its sense of place, historicity and subjectivity. Using sensory ethnography as a method of art praxis, I responded to and reflected upon the questions regarding “diaspora” in the history of the dependents’ village.


Tim Cresswell(2006)。地方:記憶、想像與認同(徐苔玲,王志弘譯)。臺北市:群學。(原著出版於2004)。
