  • 學位論文


A Research On Cultural Reservation After The Renovation Of Old Military Dependents’ Villages

指導教授 : 蕭宏金
共同指導教授 : 劉鴻陞(Hong-Cheng Liu)


海軍自1948年起依國防部政策指導,執行列管北、中、南等各地區老舊眷村陸續配合地方縣、市政府都市計畫及經濟發展建設逐一完成改(遷)建作業,推展迄今已結束,高雄市政府於2010年公告,依據「文化資產保存法」將海軍列管左營區明德新村、建業新村及合群新村等3區域相關設施,登錄為「文化景觀」,期望為老舊眷村留下更多歷史回憶與故事。政府對眷村保存的做法,包含外觀建築的保存、精神與故事的保存及修改相關法規提供政府保存工作等三大類。因此,保存眷村文化的價值成為當前重要課題。 本研究採文獻資料分析法及深度訪談等方法進行研究,以高雄市左營區明德新村、建業新村、合群新村之原居民為研究對象,並以「活化」之概念探究眷村改建後原居民對眷村文化保存之看法,從而瞭解現況與未來發展的可能,並將本研究結果提供相關單位及未來執行者參考。 研究發現:明德新村、建業新村、合群新村等3村,屬保留較為完整日式平房,格局略帶有軍事元素設計,眷村職業結構與軍人息息相關,自然凝聚了互動、團結的精神,另外,由於各省籍族群在彼此交流融合下,不論在歷史、實體、精神及生活層面上,所衍生之文化皆具有一定的歷史意義與價值。隨著第一代原居民逐漸凋零,「活」文化在無形中加速消失,除了留存有形文化資產外,更需重視無形文化資產之傳承。然而,未來發展應以文化保存與傳承作為起點,透過再利用手段創造一種新舊空間轉換的契機,結合文化創意設計,使歷史與現代生活共存,並藉由「人」讓過去的文化活現在今日,從中尋找其微妙的平衡,為老舊眷村注入新的生命,作為人類在文化資產上可能之延續。因此,本研究所提出之建議,端賴公部門(政府)、私部門(企業)及民間團體(眷村協會)共同規劃謀合、資源整合、策略一致,始得以執行。


Under MND instruction to renovate military dependents’ villages in 1948, Navy had been working with local government to progress the renovation site by site. In 2010, Kaohsiung city government had announced that Navy Ming-De, Jian-Ye and He-Qun Village in Zuoying will become “cultural landscapes” according to the “Cultural Heritage Preservation Act”, preserving the rich history and memories in military dependents’ villages. How government work to preserve the cultural landscapes includes the exterior of buildings, the spirits and stories within, and amending relative laws for the preservation. Thus, it is very important to preserve the cultural values of the military dependents’ villages. In this research, document analysis and in-depth interview were implemented, targeting the residents in Ming-De, Jian-Ye and He-Qun Village, with the idea of “activate”, exploring their thinking about the cultural preservation of old military dependents’ villages, so that we will be able to understand the circumstances and future possibilities, and to offer the outcomes from this research to the relevant agencies as a reference. This research finds that Ming-De, Jian-Ye and He-Qun Village are well preserved Japanese style civilian housing with an interior design of military elements, the employment structure in those villages is deeply relevant with the military, forming a spirit of interaction and unity. Moreover, with the interaction with different ethnic groups in the aspects of historical, physical, spiritual, and daily life, breeding a new culture with certain historical meanings and value. With the decreasing population of first-generation residents in the village, the original culture in the villages dying fast, we must put more efforts into the preservation of intangible cultural heritages than the tangibles. However, the development in the future should base on the preserve and pass on of culture, using certain means to create a chance for renovation, linking with creative designs to find ways for the coexist of old and new, reviving historical cultures within contemporary society, and insert new energy to the old dependents’ villages to make the culture long last. Thus, this research propose that the government agencies should work with private sector and civilian groups to integrate resources and strategies for the conduct of preservation.


