  • 學位論文


The Evaluation Model Of BranchSetting-Up & Closing For Taiwan Banking Industry

指導教授 : 蔡進丁


本研究旨在找出一個評估台灣銀行業設立或裁撤(含遷移或轉型)其營運據點之有效評估模式,並比較民營銀行與公營銀行在這個議題的決策行為有何差異性。 本研究首先以內容分析法及現場觀察法搜尋資料,並由資料歸納演繹出初略的理論模型,然後,在予以個案研究法、專家訪談法及參與觀察法印證及修正模型的適當性與合理性。 研究結果顯示:本模型的可行性、實用性很高。此外,除了法令政策對公營銀行的經營限制較多外,公營銀行與民營銀行在追求利益最大化的條件下,設立與裁撤的決策行為幾無差異。 由於本研究屬於探索性研究,後續仍有待有興趣者做更精緻之研究,才能擴充本研究之成果。


The purpose of this research is to find an effective evaluation model for which the firms of banking industry in Taiwan can use it as criteria of evaluating branch setting-up or closing. In addition, the author also makes comparisons between state-owned bank and public bank concerning this issue in point. Firstly, this study collects data by means of content analysis, field research and participation observation, and then uses induction & deduction analysis to build a heuristic theoretical model. Lastly, the author adopts case study & expert interview to prove or endorse the fitness and justification of this model. The study results show us that this model is highly feasible for practical operation, and basically both state-owned and public bank have little difference in decision-making behaviour about this issue under the assumption of maximizing profit, except more regulations and policy objectives limited state-owned banks’ room for manoeuvre. Owing to being an exploratory research, it is worthwhile for those who have interest in the topic to develop a more sophisticated study.


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