  • 學位論文

大學校園電算中心關鍵績效指標研究 -以台北護理學院為例

The Study of University Campus Key Performance Indicators in Information Center - A Case Study at National Taipei College of Nursing

指導教授 : 黃明達


本研究個案目前尚無完整的績效衡量制度,擬利用平衡計分卡建構研究個案的績效指標,將績效指標聚焦於財務、顧客、內部營運程序、學習與成長四大構面,完成一個可量化、有效的、可靠度高的績效衡量方式。採用個案研究法、訪談及問卷調查完成各構面及指標權重計算後,建立本研究個案之績效衡量模式。 研究成果:1.本研究利用平衡計分卡為分類架構,完成研究個案各組績效指標與電算中心整體關鍵績效指標,提供主管做日後建置績效指標的參考;2.將研究過程記錄下來,研究個案各組與電算中心如何產生績效指標與目標值,讓日後研究者做參考;3.本研究發現訂定指標權重配置,需經過審慎討論,再逐期調整,此過程可供研究個案不同行政單位建置績效指標參考。


This study case still not complete performance measurement system, to construct a case study using the Balanced Scorecard of performance indicators, performance indicators will focus on financial, customer, internal operating procedures, learning and growth of the four dimensions, the completion of a volume of and effective and highly reliable way to measure performance. After using the case methodology, the interview and the questionnaire survey complete each construction surface and the target weight computation, establishes achievements of a case study of the performance measurement model. Research results: 1. In this study, for the classification of the Balanced Scorecard framework, completes the study case each group of achievements target and the electricity calculated that the central whole essential achievements target, will provide the manager to do will establish the achievements target in the future the reference; 2. It will study the process to record, the study case each group and the electricity calculated how the center does have the achievements target and the target value, will let the researcher make the reference in the future; 3. This study discovery schedules the target weight disposition, must pass through discusses carefully, chases the time adjustment again, this process may supply the research case different Administrative unit to establish the achievements target reference.


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