  • 學位論文


Low Toxicity Fractal Gelatin and Its Application to Artificial Blood Vessels

指導教授 : 楊龍杰


本文前半部選出一種低毒性的鹽類硫酸鉀,讓硫酸鉀和明膠混合後進行反應,因為明膠是種蛋白質,而蛋白質會和硫酸鉀產生鹽析反應,反應後析出的蛋白質會沉澱在基材上面做類似碎形圖案的排列。本文也針對不同的明膠和硫酸鉀的濃度搭配下,產生的碎形高度做實驗量測和分析。另外,本文也針對碎形明膠薄膜作毒性的分析,在碎形明膠薄膜上直接培養細胞,並利用細胞計數的方式,直接計算細胞的數量在明膠薄膜上面可以成功的貼附和繁殖。將所成形的碎形圖案乾燥後可以做為模具,再利用矽膠進行翻模,製作具碎形流道之矽膠人工血管。 本文後半部則利用具碎形微流道之矽膠晶片,進行10μL/min之2小時灌流實驗,其中填以微球體與HepG2肝癌細胞,結果顯示,HepG2細胞在該表粗3nm之碎形流道內壁有沾黏現象,與單一矽膠流道結果類似。


明膠 鹽析 碎形微圖案 硫酸鉀 人工血管


The first part of this thesis is to select a kind of low-toxicity salt, potassium sulfate (K2SO4), as an ingredient to gelatin solution. With over-saturation of weight percentage of potassium sulfate in the gelatin solution the salting reaction occurs while cooling, and the fractal gelatin patterns appear gradually. The author tries many combinations of the K2SO4-gelatin solutions to find out the thickest fractal gelatin pattern of 9.24 μm thick by 20% gelatin and 7.5% K2SO4. The author also cultures living cells above the gelatin samples to investigate the toxicity of the K2SO4-gelatin film by counting the number of cells. The author moreover uses the PDMS molding method to transfer the fractal patterns from the gelatin motherboard to a PDMS flow chip to animate the artificial blood vessel herein. The second part of this thesis is to describe how to use the PDMS flow chip or artificial vessel with fractal patterns to perform the liquid filling experiment. Two kinds of dynamic filling liquids using polystyrene (PS) microbeads of 5 μm size and HepG2 cells are dosed into the PDMS flow chip by a syringe pump for 2 hours with a flow rate of 10 μL/min. The author records the attachment area change of HepG2 cells in the PDMS microchannel for every 10 min. The preliminary result of the dynamic cell filling shows that HepG2 in the fractal microchannel have the similar adhesion behavior as the case using single microchannel with 3 nm surface roughness.


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