  • 學位論文


A study of associated issues about Syndicated corporate succession plan - The Case Study of K Company

指導教授 : 李弘暉


在全球化經濟的發展之下,企業競爭的商業模式持續不斷改變,然而企業策略的實踐,需要堅實的人才基礎。擁有適足的人才支持,是企業追求成功的先決要件。當企業紛紛以人才管理作為競爭的手段,透過計畫性的人才養成同時做好組織知識的傳承。然而接班人的議題,卻仍舊是企業與相關大眾所關切卻持續困擾的議題。透過學界與實務界的參與,對於接班人計畫的實施與推動步驟,已逐步有具體的作法與要點可供參考,但就企業執行接班人計畫運作時,可能面臨的困難與各項因素可能影響,則較少深入探究。   本研究以個案研究的方法,透過對有明確計畫與推動程序之企業,進行實徵觀察。研究目的在於探究國內企業如何規畫與落實接班人計畫,推動期間所遭遇的瓶頸困難為何與有何影響狀況?並希望透過個案企業的實務,就各問題瓶頸提出解決的建議。   透過對個案企業的實際推動經驗了解與分析,找出最可能導致接班人計畫推動無法獲致成效的可能關鍵瓶頸有如下四項:  1.高階主管的支持或參與度不足。  2.未能運用有效遴選工具,遴選計畫人選,藉以建立能辨別優秀人才的管理系統。  3.相關推動人員不穩定(包含 最高決策者與負責推動的人員)。  4.未能落實執行,始計畫流於表面。   從參酌成功企業的接班人計畫推動模式,到最後藉由造成計畫失效因素的找出,作為給未來企業實施接班人計畫推動時的警示,避開可能導致計畫失效的陷阱,縮短摸索時間,避免落入失敗的危機。


Business competition requires a solid base of human resources to realize the strategic management in response to the dynamic nature of global economics and its velocity. In that sense, the adequacy of human resources is regarded as a prerequisite for business success. Consequently, human resource management is taken as a competitive advantage through a well-structured knowledge management along with strategic talent development. However, some unanswered issues are considerably essential to companies and focus groups. The execution of succession plan has been widely discussed both in organizational practice and academia. Past findings have framed a big picture and provided an outline as for referral. Nevertheless, a gap between practical execution and success factors is identified. The present research is aiming to look deeper into the elements and to fill this gap by using empirical data. The purpose of the research is to examine how companies plan and execute a succession plan in which the barriers they confront and the impacts to the firm. A qualified case company with a specific succession plan is selected. By investigating the research case, the solution therefore will be proposed as managerial implication. The research highlights four critical barriers to successful succession plan by analyzing the empirical sources: 1. The lack of top management support and involvement 2. Selection criteria is not optimized which leads to less-structured talent management 3. The turnover of team members is relatively high 4. Incomplete execution Results from the studies of successful practice and the recognized obstacles offer practitioners some guidelines and analysis of failure cause and effect. It is expected to benefit the future execution of succession plan, such as shortening the time for making a right approach.


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