  • 學位論文


Seventh Graders’ Performances of Problem-Solving in the Scientific Inquiry Laboratory Activities of the Science Club

指導教授 : 楊坤原


本研究旨在探討七年級學生參與科展製作學生與未參與科展製作學生,在科學社團探究式實驗活動中的問題解決表現。本研究以立意取樣,選擇研究對象為桃園市某國民中學七年級科學社團十四位學生,分為參與科展製作七位學生和未參與科展製作七位學生,本研究採用個案研究法深入探討學生在科學實作之問題解決表現。本研究實驗活動採用 Staer, Goodrum 和 Hacking (1998) 探究式實驗Level 2 (a)、 Level 2 (b) 型式,總共十四次探究式實驗活動,包括四次 Level 2 (a)實驗活動,十次 Level 2 (b)實驗活動。研究資料的收集包含課室間錄影、研究者觀察札記、訪談錄音、學生實驗記錄單、學生學習單、活動相片等。本研究之具體發現如下: 進行探究式實驗Level 2 (a)型式時尚未開始製作科展,個案皆處於相同學習情境,但個案在實作過程中對於定義問題、形成假設、驗證假設、評估假設之問題解決顯示出不同的表現,以擁有科學實驗活動經驗的學生表現較為優異。進行探究式實驗Level 2 (b)型式時,參與科展製作的個案實作經驗多出未參與科展製作個案三個月的時間,因此參與科展製作的個案於實作過程對定義問題、形成假設、驗證假設、評估假設之四個層次問題解決表現較為優異,雖然未參與科展製作的個案在實作過程對於前述四個層次問題解決表現表現不如參與製作科展的個案突出,但自身的實作過程之問題解決表現皆有所提升,因此科學社團採取探究式實驗教學有利於提升學生在實驗實作過程之問題解決能力。


The aim of this study is to explore the participation of Science Fair affects 7th Grade Students’ problem-solving skills in the Scientific Inquiry Laboratory Activities of the Science Club in Taiwan. The study concerns about specific environment and current development of science education for students and therefore students were chosen at 7th grade from A junior high school in Tao- Yuan City, Taiwan. In this study, 14 students were purposively sampled from the chosen school; 7 were participated in Science Fair, and the others did not. A qualitative case study method was used to investigate the performances of problem-solving in the Scientific Inquiry Laboratory Activities of the Science Club. Based on Staer, Goodrum and Hacking’s (1998) Level 2 (a) and Level 2 (b) experimental inquiry, 14 experimental science activities were undertaken to investigate students’ performances of problem-solving in the Scientific Inquiry Laboratory of the Science Club, including 4 level 2 (a) and 10 level 2 (b) experimental science activities . Data were collected from video, voice recording, photo taking in class, and investigator’s observation and notes during the field study. The study has come out with several important points. 1) In the experimental inquiry study of level 2 (a), before participating Science Fair, there were no significant differences among students. 14 students were in the same learning environment. However, the evidence shows that the students who began to participate in Science Fair had better performance in experimental science activities according to their response of identifying problems, making assumptions, testing assumptions, and evaluating assumptions. 2) In the experimental inquiry study of level 2 (b) Students who had participated for three months in Science Fair had better performance in identifying problems, making assumptions, testing assumptions, and evaluating assumptions. However, students who did not participate in Science Fair had improved their performance of problem-solving skills while participating in Scientific Inquiry Laboratory Activities of Science Club. As a result, there were significant differences from the students who did not participate in Science Fair according to their response of identifying problems, making assumptions, testing assumptions, and evaluating assumptions. In accordance, the participation of Science Fair, to some extents, provides students knowledge base on their performances of problem-solving in the Scientific Inquiry Laboratory Activities of Science Club.


王景祥 (2000)。國中生活科技課程問題解決教學策略之實驗研究~以製造科技課程為例。


