  • 學位論文


The study on the Cultural Landscape of Camphor Industrial - A Case study of Fushing Township Zeren Village

指導教授 : 林曉薇


角板山區域樟腦產業發展肇始於1860年淡水開港,此時正逢世界對樟腦的需求量日増,當大溪近山丘陵地的樟樹林被砍伐殆盡,鄰接的角板山之原始樟樹,就是下個開採的目標。唯當時角板山區域屬未開發番地,於是清、日政府皆以武力為後盾,持續開採此區樟腦資源,最後,這裡的原始樟樹林消失了,部分區域開墾成為茶葉區、人工造林及聚落,在在都彰顯出「樟腦產業對角板山區域地貌之影響」。 本文試從文化景觀的面向來探討桃園縣復興鄉之角板山區域之樟腦產業。研究動機基於該產業之稀少及其特殊性,目前保存完整。目的是借由檢視角板山區域相關資源後,對照我國文資法之文化景觀類別及其登錄標準,來探討角板山區域樟腦產業之價值,期望該區域可成為樟腦產業之文化景觀。 研究方法主要是以文獻史料蒐集及比較分析為主,再配合實地田野調查之資料收集輔助。文獻史料部分以我國現行文化資產法規及文化景觀相關學者論述 ,並參照聯合國教科文組織對文化景觀定義、類別及其登錄標準為輔。另外以阿里山林業暨鐵道文化景觀為案例分析,探討其人、事、地、物的獨特性及該區域之有形、無形文化資產。並以此方式來檢視角板山的相關條件,希望透過本文確立復興鄉角板山區域地位價值,探討指定為樟腦產業文化景觀的可行性。


大嵙崁 文化景觀 產業文化 角板山 樟腦


The development of the camphor industry in Jiaobanshan, Zeren Village, Fushing Township began in 1860. It was the time when Tamshui was opened to foreign trade. During that time, the export demand for camphor rose quickly, and almost all camphor trees grown in Daxi had been cut down to produce camphor. The primary forest of camphor trees in Jiaobanshan, which is geographically adjacent to Daxi, became the next target to exploit. Jiaobanshan was still an undeveloped area at that time, but both Qing and Japanese governments used military force to support harvest of camphor resources in this area. Finally, the primary forest of camphor trees was gone, and some parts of the area later became tea farms and villages. This development highlights the effects of the camphor industry on the landscape of Jiaobanshan. As the camphor industry is rare, well-preserved, and has some particular characteristics, this study attempted to investigate the camphor industry in Jiaobanshan from the perspective of cultural landscape. Through an exploration of resources in this area and prescriptions about cultural landscape in Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, this study investigated the value of the camphor industry in Jiaobanshan, hoping this area could become a cultural landscape of camphor industry. The methodology involved collection of related literature, comparative analysis, and field survey. Related literature included the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, discourses of cultural landscape, and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) document about cultural landscape, including definition, classification, and standards for registration. Besides, this study probed into the case of Alishan Forestry and Rail Cultural Landscape to analyze the particularities and cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, of this cultural landscape. Through analysis of this case, this study examined the qualification of Jiaobanshan for registration as a cultural landscape. By investigating the cultural status and value of Jiaobanshan, this study attempted to assess the feasibility of listing Jiaobanshan as a cultural landscape of camphor industry.


08.臺灣風物《桃園縣大溪鎮鄉土史座談會紀錄》,1968,p5 。
12.楊青蓉,《茶業文化景觀之指認 - 以杉林溪茶區為例》,國立成功大學建築學系碩士論文,2011
49.楊選堂,《台灣之樟腦》,台灣銀行經濟研究室, 1952,p10。


陳瓊伊(2015)。客家樟腦產業轉型策略之研究: 以台三線三個案為例〔碩士論文,國立中央大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0031-0412201512045803
