  • 學位論文


The Quality of Life of the Primary Caregivers for the Elderly Disable Persons --An Example of In-home Services in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃志忠


本研究之研究目的旨在瞭解老年身心障礙者主要照顧者的生活品質,並檢視影響主要照顧者生活品質的相關因素,最後則是就研究發現與研究結果,提供未來國內對於老年身心障礙者主要照顧者政策制訂與實務執行之相關建議。基於上述研究目的,本研究以台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷為主要的問卷主軸,研究對象為中台灣166位正在使用居家服務的老年身心障礙者主要照顧者,採面訪方式進行問卷調查,正式施測發出217份問卷,總共回收有效問卷166份,回收率76.50%,並輔以質性訪談方式,訪問3位主要照顧者和2位居家服務員,藉以補充量化之不足,其主要研究結果如下: 1、受訪主要照顧者生活總品質平均得分為51.48,屬中度以上生活品質;在四大範疇中,發現得分由高至低分別為社會關係範疇層面(11.86)、生理範疇層面(11.85)、環境範疇層面(11.24)心理範疇層面(11.16),此亦均屬中度以上生活品質。 2、主要照顧者年齡、自覺健康狀況、照顧時數、工作狀況、家庭總收入、居家服務項目、社會支持、照顧負荷與主要照顧者生活品質有顯著相關。 3、經由階層迴歸分析發現,照顧負荷、自覺健康狀況、社會支持為主要照顧者生活品質之預測因子,且能解釋生活品質37.2%的變異量。 4、由質性資料可以得知,主要照顧者社會支持、自覺健康狀況、家庭總收入是影響照顧負荷重要因素,進而影響照顧者生活總品質、生理、心理、社會關係、環境各範疇層面。 最後,根據研究結果提出在政策上、實務上,以及未來學術方向上的建議,以供參考。


The purpose of this study is to understand the quality of life of the primary caregivers for the elderly disabled persons, to evaluate the relevant factors that affect the primary caregivers’ quality of life, and finally, according to the study findings and results, to offer germane suggestions about the policy making and practical implementation for elderly disabled persons in the country in the future. Based on the aforementioned purpose of the study, this study uses the World Health Organization Quality of Life-BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) Taiwan Version as the foundation of the questionnaire, and surveys 166 caregivers for the elderly disabled persons who use home care services. The questionnaire investigation was conducted by means of personal interviews. 217 official questionnaires were issued, and 166 valid questionnaires were received; the response rate is 76.50%. The study was accompanied by qualitative interviewing methods: 3 primary caregivers and 2 home care service workers were interviewed in order to supplement the quantitative insufficiency. The main study results are as follows: 1. The average score of all the caregivers interviewed is 51.48, which belongs to the middle or above-middle level of quality of life; in four major categories, it is found that the average scores ranking from top to bottom are the category of social relation, the category of physiology, the category of environment, and the category of psychology, which all are in the middle or above-middle level of quality of life. 2. The primary caregivers’ ages, self-aware health conditions, caregiving hours, work conditions, total family income, home care service tasks, social support, caregiving burden are significantly relevant to their quality of life. 3. Through the hierarchical regression analysis, it is found that caregiving burden, self-aware health conditions, and social support are the predicting factors of the primary caregivers’ quality of life, and these factors can explain the 37.2% variation of quality of life. 4. Based on the qualitative date, it is discovered that the caregivers’ social support, self-aware health conditions, total family income are the crucial factors that influence caregiving burden, and further influence the categories of the caregivers’ total quality of life, physiology, psychology, social relation and environment. Finally, the study results provide suggestions concerning policies, practical work, and future academic directions for reference.




