  • 學位論文


Preliminary Study on the Potential and Affected Areas of Shallow Landslide Disaster

指導教授 : 王國隆


南投縣內山多平原少其中不乏地形陡峭、地質破碎之土地,常因颱風、豪雨及地震等事件,誘發各類型坡地災害,如崩塌、地滑與土石流甚至是複合式或二次災害的發生,嚴重威脅居民之生命與財產,而坡地災害也影響聚落的居住環境之安全性。 本研究針對淺層崩塌,蒐集整理國內外淺層崩塌之相關文獻與法規,並統計淺層崩塌之特性與挑選出潛勢因子完成土石流潛勢溪流集水區內淺層崩塌之潛勢分析,並使用環境潛勢值公式評估本研究預先挑選出的39處淺層崩塌之潛勢等級。 本研究比較顆粒流模擬法、流向演算法與急傾斜地法的三種淺層崩塌影響範圍劃設方式,套用至本研究已調查之現地淺層崩塌並加以驗證,其中顆粒流模擬法因不易受地形限制且沒有人為判斷之因素為適用性最高之淺層崩塌影響範圍劃設方法。而本研究完成預先選定39處淺層崩塌其中31處現地調查,利用無人載具影像配合GPS產製數值地表模型,再使用攝影測量軟體去除地上物建立數值地形。後續更將光達數值地形以及UAS產製數值地形,進行前後期地形比對,評估淺層崩塌坡高及最遠堆積長度之關係並將淺層崩塌坡高與實際現況、顆粒流模擬法、流向演算法與急傾斜地法之最遠影響範圍反算出fahrböschung angle分別為34.39°、37.11°、38.17°與34.73°,急傾斜地法與實際條件較為符合,但劃設過程可能受人為因素影響而產生相同條件影響範圍不一致的情形。


The mountain area in Taiwan is mostly high mountains, geology was destroyed seriously and vulnerability. Typhoons, heavy rains and earthquakes usually induced multiple types disaster on slopeland, such as landslide and debris flow. These slope disasters not only threats to lives and property of residents, but also affects the security of the settlement’s living environment. This study focuses on shallow landslide of Nantou. Statistics factors of shallow landslide was established for shallow landslide model in potential debris flow torrent basin. In this study, three methods of delineating shallow landslide affected areas are compared with each other, including particle flow simulation method, flow direction algorithm and the steep slope method. These delineating shallow landslide affected areas are applied to existed shallow landslide for verification. Investigation of 31 shallow landslide sites were executed with unmanned vehicle products such as orthophotos, digital surface model and digital elevation model. Aerial borne LiDAR and UAS produced DEM are used to compare pre- and post-event. The relationship between the shallow landslide slope height and the maximum runout is discussed in this study. The shallow landslide slope height, maximum runout of three methods of delineating shallow landslide affected areas, and field condition’s Fahrböschung angles are calculated. The steep slope method is suitable for filed condition. However, the mapping process and influence area may be affected by human factors.


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