  • 學位論文


A Study of School Environment Planning Image in Ilan County Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 簡茂發 吳清基


本研究圖像基於精緻教育理念,探討宜蘭縣國民小學有關學生學習環境規劃與建置之向度、條件與策略細項內容,並針對可能面臨的規劃問題,提供適切性因應措施。本研究分兩階段進行,第一階段依據文獻分析編製成半結構訪談表,經個別訪談、焦點團體訪談與德懷術調查進行具像化細項內容建構並形成初試問卷。個別訪談以25所學校25位校長、22位主任、21位教師與24位學生為樣本;焦點團體訪談依校長、主任與教師,分三場次進行,共計20人參與;德懷術調查敦請14位學者專家進行題項內容一致性建構。第二階段就具像化細項內容經專家效度評定,修正為正式問卷,提供宜蘭縣國民小學24位校長、89位主任與組長、51位級任教師及14位科任教師參與填答。其所蒐集資料分別以積差相關、多元迴歸分析及單因子多變項變異數分析等方法進行統計分析。本研究得到下列結論: 一、學校環境規劃需要更多擁有優質教育理念人才投入,以提供學生卓越性、績效性、科技性與創新性之學習環境 。 二、以人、事、時、地、物為思考向度,重視學生認知成長與多元智慧發展,並配合學習者心理、生理、管理、哲理、地理、物理之學習需求。 三、以人、事、時、地、物向度作為優質教育學校環境規劃思考向度,獲得宜蘭縣國民小學成員高度肯定,且校長與級任教師更重視「地的思考向度」。 四、優質教育學校環境規劃條件有教學條件、行政條件與資源條件,同時關注核心面向、促成面向與支持面向,以提供教學運作所需之經費、建築、社區與環境之人力資源與物力資源。 五、優質教育學校環境規劃條件及層面,獲宜蘭縣國民小學成員高度肯定且校長和級任教師對行政條件與級任教師對資源條件更為重視。 六、學校環境規劃問題有行政問題、教學問題與資源問題,以偏遠與鄉下地區較容易發生;而服務年資5-10年、級任教師更重視資源問題方面之研習內容問題與人力不足問題。 七、學校內部優勢條件能因應組織外在威脅並積極爭取外在資源。內部弱勢問題,投入外在資源改善弱勢能力要配合學校本身動力。內部優勢條件重視優質團隊、教學運作需求、參與式建築設計及積極爭取經費。 八、優質教育學校環境規劃策略獲宜蘭縣國民小學成員高度肯定,城市地區較鄉下地區與偏鄉地區積極;不同職務類別之校長、級任教師較科任教師更重視事、時與物的規劃設計策略。 九、優質教育學校環境規劃條件可以有效預測規劃策略,且教學條件與資源條件的解釋效果最高。 十、優質教育學校環境規劃圖像內涵為精緻教育理念,規劃向度與規劃條件能促進並支援規劃策略,並因應規劃問題以建置優勢學習環境。 最後,本研究分別就教育行政機關、學校機關提出建議,並對未來研究提供方向,以致力學校能規劃更多優質學習環境與策略,裨益不同年齡學生獲得更有利的學習環境。


The study, based on the theory of Betterness Education, investigated the elementary schools in Ilan County to find out the dimensions, conditions, and strategies for developing a learning environment. The aims of this study were to discover potential problems and to offer proper solutions to the problems. The study was divided into 2 stages. The first stage, based on the authoritative records, was to design the semi-structured interview schedule which consisted of Individual Interview, Focus Group Interview, and Delphi Survey. Individual Interviews includes interviews with 25 principals from 25 different schools, 22 deans, 21 teachers, and 24 students. Focus Group Interview was held separately for the principals, deans, and teachers. 20 interviewees in all participated in the Focus Group Interview. 14 scholars and education experts were cordially invited to evaluate the Delphi survey. For the second stage, with the scholars and experts’suggestion, the semi-structured schedule was modified into a formal questionnaire. 24 principals, 89 deans and department chiefs, 51 homeroom teachers, as well as 14 subject teachers answered the questionnaire. The data was gathered and then analyzed through Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, Multiple Regression Analysis, and One-way ANOVA Analysis. The main findings of this study were as follows : 1. The school environment planning needed a high participation of people of talents in order to offer a learning environment of high quality, efficiency, technology, and innovation. 2. The cognitive development and multiple intelligence development of students should be emphasized, especially in the aspects of member, event, timing, location, and campus building, while being matched with their learning demand. 3. The schools of Ilan agreed that the Betterness education with an emphasis on the aspects of member, event, timing, location, and campus building which had a strong influence over students’cognitive and multiply intelligence development. The principals and homeroom teachers specially emphasized the aspect of location. 4. There were 3 important conditions in school environment planning: teaching condition, administration condition, and source condition. Meanwhile, core level, facilitation level, and support level should be taken into consideration when planning a school environment. 5. The elementary schools in Ilan County were concerned with the conditions of school environment planning.Both the principals and teachers emphasized strengthen the influence of administration condition while homeroom teachers stressed the source condition. 6. The school environment planning problems cover the aspects of administration, teaching, and source.The schools in remote areas and countryside had to deal with those problems more frequently. The staff members with a 5 to 10 year working experience stressed the source problem. 7. The schools with a superior predominance were able to handle external threats, and to aggressively requested sources. The superior predominance depended on high level of efficiency teamwork, teaching operation, participatory design, and aggressively requesting funds. 8. The school environment planning strategy won the consent of the elementary schools in Ilan County. Schools in the rural and remote areas better identified the strategy than those in the urban districts. The principals and homeroom teachers better identified the aspects of planning event, timing, and campus building than subject teachers. 9. The schools with high grade of planning conditions were able to efficiently map out their planning strategies. In addition, these schools were able to best utilize their teaching and source conditions. 10. The study contributed to the Betterness education beliefs. Both planning dimension and planning condition sustain the planning strategy. Effective learning environment was built after planning problems were solved. The study offers suggestions in accordance with administrative departments of education, in addition to the directions for future studies. The study is devoted to developing a foresight learning environment for students of all ages.




