  • 學位論文


The Research of men's Gender Role Stereotype Shape and Release

指導教授 : 黃馨慧


在性別的議題裡,談兩性,男性的角色是不應該缺乏的,況且要達到「兩性平權」的目的,勢必要邀請男性的加入,一同來檢視目前社會上形塑的性別陷阱,這些性別的陷阱不僅帶給女性莫大的壓迫,同時對男性可能也產生相對的傷害,因此了解男性扮演「男性性別角色」的種種心路歷程,不但有助於男性自身的性別角色鬆動,對於促進兩性的平權也有莫大的助益。 因此,本研究旨在探討男性在其生命的歷程裡,影響其性別角色刻板印象形成之因素為何?又有那些事件造成了男性性別角色的鬆動?並希望了解男性在鬆動其刻板印象後的想法又是如何? 期望藉由這些答案找出讓男性個人、以及社會整體能夠更朝向平等之路邁進。 本研究採取質性研究中的生命史研究法,以半結構式的深度訪談對三位男性進行階段性的生命訪談,企圖了解男性在每個成長階段中 ,發生了什麼事件造成其性別角色刻板印象的形成與鬆動。再將訪談結果轉譯成逐字稿,抽取概念,分析訪談資料,加入研究者的了解和解釋,分別寫出三位男性的生命史,最後描繪出三人的性別角色刻板印象形成與鬆動之魚骨歷程圖,再加以綜合分析結果。 本研究的結果如下: 一、男性性別角色刻板印象形成的背景因素 1、父母的教養造成性別角色刻板印象的形成 2、南北部的城鄉差距造成性別角色刻板印象刻劃的深淺程度 3、老師、學校課程造成性別角色刻板印象的形成 4、同儕互動造成性別角色刻板印象的形成 5、電視、電影造成性別角色刻板印象的形成 6、職業關係造成性別角色刻板印象的形成或固著 二、男性性別角色刻板印象鬆動之背景因素 1、電視電影鬆動了男性性別角色刻板印象 2、愛情、家務訓練鬆動了男性性別角色刻板印象 3、母親大權在握、舅舅的糜爛鬆動了男性性別角色刻板印象 4、學校課程、能幹的女老師鬆動了男性性別角色刻板印象 5、個人特質鬆動了男性性別角色刻板印象 三、男性鬆動性別角色刻板印象之後的想法 本處的重點即在於研究對象三人都隱約表示:這是一個持續的歷程,即使鬆動了某些刻板印象,但還是有其他刻板印象的存在。 本研究之研究建議分類如下: 一、對父母教養態度之建議 二、對教師、學校課程之建議 三、在婚姻教育上的建議 四、對男性朋友的建議 五、對未來研究的建議


When we talk about the issue of gender, the role of the male should not be omitted. As to achieve the goal of gender equality, it is definitely needed to invite the male to join together to examine “the gender trap” formed by the social culture. These traps not only oppress women in a great deal but also cause the relative damage to men. To understand how the thinking works in a man when he plays “ the men’s gender role “ can absolutely help to release the men’s gender role, and more over to accelerate gender equality. As a result, the goal of this thesis is to discuss what factors are influencing the stereotype impression of gender roles in men’s life, what events release the men’s gender role, and what they think afterwards. I expect that men and society become more egalitarian by the finding. This qualitative research uses the life history method and profound semi-structured interviews with three men. Trying to understand what happened to men in every development stage cause the formation and the releasing of their gender role stereotype. The finding is interpreted with every interview word-by-word to abstract concepts, analyze data, and explain by the researcher. Three life histories are presented individually and with fish bone graphs to sketch the formation and the releasing of their gender role stereotype. Finally, I analyze the findings in integration. The outcome of this research is as follows: One: The background factors in the formation of the gender role 1.the upbringing of parents cause the formation of the gender role stereotype 2.the differences between the city and the countryside in the South and the North of Taiwan shape different degree of the gender role stereotype 3.the teacher and school curriculum cshape the formation of the gender role stereotype 4.the same generation interaction shpaes the formation of the gender role stereotype 5.the television and movie cause the formation of the gender role stereotype 6.career interaction influences the formation of the gender role stereotype Two: The background factors in the relaxation of the gender role of the male 1.the television and movie relesae the men’s gender role stereotype 2. Romantic love and household affairs release the men’s gender role stereotype 3.holding immeasurable power of mother and rotten uncle release the men’s gender role stereotype 4.the school course and competent female teacher release the men’s gender role stereotype 5.the personal specialty releases the men’s gender role stereotype Three: The opinion after the relaxation of men’s gender role stereotype The emphasis on expression of three objects of the study is that it is a continued progress, i.e., even though relax some of gender roles, there are still other gender roles. The resulting from this research are classified as follows: One: the proposal for parents’ attitudes about upbringing Two: the proposal for the teacher and the school course Three: the proposal for marriage education Four: the proposal for male friends Five: the proposal for future research




