  • 學位論文


The Interpretation of The People and Spatiality in Contemporary Taiwan’s Metropolitan Eslite Bookstore

指導教授 : 潘朝陽


誠品書店的成立,是台灣的第二波書店革命,其空間設計與小眾、菁英般的文化風格,配合企業行銷方式,不僅吸引消費者的艷羨目光,也驅使學者投入研究行列。在眾多研究成果中,誠品的「文化地標」頭銜,是社會走向精緻之必然,誠品的空間符碼,是文化晉升的意義,在誠品書店中活動的人群,則被視為自我風格的展現與理念的實踐。但是,跳脫以上窠臼,誠品書店之於大眾的印象,卻並非如前所述之樣貌,因為,本研究認為,在疏漏了對於型塑文化之主體「人」的探究,以及誠品在擴散過程中地方現象探討的闕漏,可謂是使誠品書店之空間意義缺失一角的關鍵。亦即,空間意涵之型塑,尤其是以地理學的角度所觀照的誠品書店之空間性,當由「人」與「地」所共同展現的,而非僅止於對誠品書店之建築學與室內設計般的研究概念所能陳述,也非僅止於從空間意涵的解讀便能關照誠品的人文世界。故本研究擬從「存在空間」與「消費社會」兩概念入手,以詮釋台灣都會區誠品書店的人群與空間性的現象。 承上述,本研究以「存在主義」為觀點,主要在探討人文主義地理學之主體性存在意涵,因為存在主義觀點乃是由主體出發,以主體之存在事實,彰顯主體存在之空間性意義,而地理學所關注之大地與生活世界,亦是藉由人文精神之主體性而得以展現。在現今的現代社會中,聚落擴大成為城市,城市居民與城市的關係,也不再如以往聚落居民與聚落間的關係般單純,但是,以人為本,型塑地方文化價值與意識形態之概念與過程是相同的,故在本研究中,將秉持此概念所進行之誠品書店空間意義展現的觀照。其次,本研究認為,誠品書店所展現之空間與人群關係,乃是具有消費社會下之消費現象的特質,因此,以布希亞之「符號消費」為觀點,探討在誠品書店空間中所發生人事物的符碼意涵,企圖呈現書店在城市居民的生活中所具有的消費意義,並呈現城市居民生活風貌之異同,期望在研究過程中,發現誠品書店所呈現的地方性差異的事實。 因此,在章節安排上,第三章旨在探討誠品書店的空間意涵,藉由書店內部與外部空間特質之呈現,發現其空間性與社會脈動相符之事實,同時也顯示在消費社會中,其空間佈局乃是趨從於消費者心理的結果,是布希亞所謂的「空間關係,是受資本主義社會下之擺設人所操控的。」而第四章旨在探討誠品書店在不同時間與空間中與人群互動的現象,在本章中強調人之主體識覺以及在不同時空環境中的主體感受,是使書店之空間性得以多變的原因,但是此多變之人文空間意涵,卻呈現了消費社會之結構性意涵,也是布希亞所謂的在資本邏輯下,「擬仿物才是真實」的結果。最後,第五章旨在了解誠品書店之藝文活動特質如何呈現地區性差異的事實,將「誠品現象」的探討擴及至全台灣的尺度,發現藝文活動之進行並非只是誠品單方面推動之成效,而是受到不同在地文化與資源的影響而有不同的回應,這樣的現象,是地理學中的「人地關係」的彰顯。 最後,本研究結果認為,誠品書店的空間性人文意涵,乃藉由主體意識的彰顯,呈現了消費社會下空間複製與資本操弄的事實,雖名為變色龍,具有「到什麼地方去就變成什麼樣子」的主動關係,但同時也因受到社會環境之牽引而變色的被動關係,在主動與被動中,各地誠品書店彼此所呈現的不是平行的層級關係,而是具有文化移植與仿同的上下階層性,以及由主體「人」所彰顯的地方特質。


The establishment of Eslite Bookstore is the second revolution of bookstores in Taiwan. Its design of space and the alternative and elite style of culture with its mode of business sale not only attracts consumers, but also scholars. In many studies, the title of the Eslite’s “Cultural Landmark” is the result of the social direction. The symbol of Eslite’s space is the meaning of cultural promotion. The behavior of people in Eslite Bookstore is regarded as the exhibition of self-style and the practice of thoughts. But if we remove the stereotype, the people’s impression on Eslite Bookstore is not the pattern described above. Because they neglect the subject-man, the shaper of culture and the regional phenomenon in the expanding process. Without doing so, the spatial means of Eslite Bookstore would be lost. In other words, to shape the meaning of space, researchers use the view of Geography that stresses on the connection between “people” and “place” to explain the spatiality of Eslite Bookstore. The point is neither the concept of architecture or interior design nor the meaning of space. Therefore, in this thesis, I start with “ Existential Space” and “Consumer Society” to interpret the phenomenon of the people and spatiality in contemporary Taiwan’s metropolitan Eslite Bookstore. For this reason, first, I use “Existentialist” as a basis to understand the meaning of existential subjectivity in Humanistic Geography. It is because “Existentialist” is based on subject, and shows the meaning of existent spatiality of the subject through the real existence of the subject. The place and life world that Geography emphasizes to presented by the subjectivity of human spirit. In modern society, a place is expanded to a city; the relation of citizen and city is not as simple as before, but the shaping of the concept and process of ideology and cultural value of place remains the same. Next, the relation of space and people in Eslite Bookstore is the characteristic of consumer phenomenon in consumer society. Therefore, I use “ Symbolic Consumption” of Baudrillard as a basis to interpret the symbolic meaning of everything in Eslite Bookstore, to show the consumer means of the bookstore in citizen’s life and to show the similarities and dissimilarities of the style of citizen. This thesis is expected to discover the facts of difference in place. Therefore, chapter 3 aims to deal with the meaning of inner and external space in the bookstore and the fact that the spatiality corresponds with social context. Furthermore, it appears that its special arrangement is a result of tending to consumer mentality, just as what Baudrillard said, “The relation of space is controlled by decorator in capitalist society.” Chapter 4 aims to deal with the phenomenon of how the people interact with Eslite Bookstore in different space and time. In the chapter, the recognition of a man and his experience in different environment is the reason to create spatial variation, but the meaning of varied human space displays the structural meaning of consumer society. It’s also the result of Baudrillard’s idea, “Simulacres is true.” Finally, chapter 5 aims to discuss how culture activities of Eslite Bookstore show the fact of regional difference. I take the scale of searching for “Eslite phenomenon” to whole Taiwan, and the aim is that the culture activities are not single effect that Eslite brings about, its different effects were affected by different local culture and resource. The result is the manifestation of “ man-land relationship” in Geography. In conclusion, the cultural spatiality of Eslite Bookstore illustrates the fact that space duplication and capital manipulation in consumer society by displaying of the consciousness of subject. Although Eslite is called ” Chameleon”, and it has active relation of “ changing with environment”, but it has passive relation influenced by social environment. Eslite Bookstores all over Taiwan don’t show parallel relation, but the hierarchy of cultural transplantation and imitation, and the local characteristics shown by people.


韓季庭(2016)。「創新的傳統」: 談臺灣茶與創意產業─誠品松菸書卷沏為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201610417
