  • 學位論文


Using Google Speech Recognition to Improve English Oral Motivation

指導教授 : 藍友烽


英文是現代人必備的一項語言能力,許多人從小就開始學習英文,但大多數的英文教育並不重視口說方面的訓練,導致多數人的口說能力並不高,另外,焦慮也是影響口說能力的原因之一,焦慮會讓人產生緊張、害怕的心理,進而讓人害怕開口說英文。 本研究以英文單字學習App為基礎,結合Google語音辨識,開發一個用口說學習英文單字的App,讓使用者透過本研究App學習英文單字的同時也能消除口說焦慮,提升其英文口說能力。


English is an essential modern language. Many people started to learn English since childhood, but most of the methods of English education do not emphasize on oral training, leading to the majority of people's oral ability is not good. In addition, anxiety is also one of the reasons that affect oral ability. Anxiety will make people nervous, afraid of the psychological, and then make people afraid to speak English. This study is based on the English learning application, combined with Google's speech recognition, and developed an application that learns English vocabulary by speaking. This application not only allows users to learn English vocabulary, but also can eliminate their oral anxiety and improve their English oral ability.


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