  • 學位論文


Spiking and Blocking Events Detection and Analysis in Volleyball Videos

指導教授 : 李素瑛




With the explosive proliferation of multimedia capturing devices, a considerable amount of sports videos have been recorded. For general viewers, only portions of games related to specific topics attract their attention. Coaches and professional players are interested in the high level semantics of events in the tactic perspective, such as the attack and defense tactics executed by opponents. In this thesis, we propose an approach for spiking events detection and blocking pattern classification for real volleyball videos. First, we perform video pre-processing such as whistle detection to segment the entire videos into video clips for rallies. Second, the camera calibration is performed to find the court region. To discover the positions of spiking and blocking, we further detect the location of net. Then, the changes of moving pixels are analyzed along the net. A bounding box is made around the blocking location, and we classify the blocking patterns into two main categories based on the width of bounding box. Finally, tactics analysis is made to discriminate two important tactics in volleyball matches: delayed spiking and alternate position spiking. With the iii information of spiking events and blocking locations, we can collect the statistical data and make tactics inference easily. The experimental results on the videos recorded by NCTU school volleyball team are promising and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed scheme.


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