

全球觸控面板產業的競爭廠商眾多,市場競爭激烈,台灣、中國、日本與韓國廠商各自擁有不同的競爭優勢或國家政策的支持。各國競爭廠商的先天優勢不同,所處的產業結構亦不相同,每一家廠商所專注的觸控技術也不同,不同的觸控技術所對應的市場終端產品應用不同,觸控面板廠商面對的市場競爭程度就不相同。雖然一樣是觸控面板廠商,因其選擇發展的技術決定了其競爭市場結構,在每個不同應用產品的市場,意味著市場區隔不同,其競爭程度也不同。 市場終端產品應用的發展決定了觸控面板技術的走向,如早期的電阻式觸控面板技術使得觸控面板產品在市場上的應用日漸普及,而電容式觸控面板技術應用於手機與平板等,帶動了整體觸控面板產業的大幅成長,也改變了整個市場的競爭型態。電容式觸控技術後來的延伸性技術發展如G/G、G/F、IN-CELL、奈米銀絲或金屬網格材料製程技術等改變了觸控面板產業結構,觸控面板技術的發展選擇,可以是廠商的策略,也是廠商自有競爭優勢的表現。 本篇論文首先藉由觸控面板主要生產國家的廠商策略與不同技術發展,來探討觸控面板市場中的競爭型態與中小型規模的觸控面板廠商的生存方式。其次,藉由個案分析來探討中小規模廠商利用產品應用做市場區隔與產品差異化的策略,並在競爭激烈的觸控面板市場中生存並獲利。


The global touch panel industry has many competitive manufacturing firms. Those firms in Taiwan, China, Japan and South Korea have their comparative advantages through the industry environment and the national industry policy. Since the inherent advantages of the firms for each country are different, those constitute the differences in the industry structure and lead the different technologies in production. Due to the different production technologies are corresponding to the end products of applications in market, the touch panel manufacturing firstly chooses to develop its technology to face the market competition. The adoption of different technology not only determine its product segments but also select the degree of market competition. The development of the end product applications significantly determines the direction of the touch panel technologies recently. For example, the fast growing popularity of the uses in mobile phones and tablet leds to a substantial growth on the whole touch panel industry but also changed the entire pattern of market competition. The new developments of technology such as the extension of G / G, G / F, IN-CELL, nano silver or metal mesh material process have attributes to the main factors of the manufacturer’s performance. In this thesis, we firstly examine the development of different technologies in Taiwan’s touch panel manufacturing firms. Our discussion is based on the industrial market structure to analyze the degree of competition. Secondly, we analyze the case studies to find the factors how the small and medium sized touch panel manufacturing firms to select their technologies to face the market segmentation and competioin and to survive and making profits.


1. 2011全球科技產業動態大預測‧拓墣產業研究所 2011/01
2. 2013年平面顯示器市場與產業技術發展年鑑‧光電科技工業協進會2013/06
5. 中國終端產業鏈發展新態勢‧拓墣產業研究所 2013/10
12. 突破式創新引領車輛開往智慧新世界‧拓墣產業研究所 2013/10
19. 富晶通科技股份有限公司102年度年報
