  • 學位論文


The Interaction between Local and Hakka Non-profit Organization-A Case Study of ‘Dongshih Yi Du Social Welfare Foundation’

指導教授 : 江明修




Taiwan, with its 400-year historical evolution in the process of economic development and democratization, has formed its distinctive culture and diverse communities in the society. Hakka community, like other communities, plays an important role in facilitating Taiwan’s progress and prosperity throughout the history. The prosperous development of non-profit organizations in the end of Twentieth century has increased the driving force for the improvement of human society. Hakka community, as one of the key contributors in Taiwan, also has its contribution that cannot be neglected in the area of non-profit organization. This research uses ‘Dongshih Yi Du Social Welfare Foundation’ as the case study to investigate the interaction between the foundation and the local, and also to discuss its impact on the local. By using literature review, in-depth interviews, participant observation, etc., a qualitative research is employed to enhance the understanding of the formation of ‘Dongshih Yi Du Social Welfare Foundation’ and to analyze the foundation’s evolvement and transformation. Accordingly, the focus of this research is placed on this Hakka non-profit organization, and how it interacts with the local in its development process. Combining the two dimensions, i.e. communication contacts and resource dependence, Kuhnle and Selle’s four variances of interactions are adopted to examine how ‘Dongshih Yi Du Social Welfare Foundation’ interacts with local in three different phases: the foundation’s initial phase, the phase of Japanese reign and the foundation’s transformation phase. The result has shown that relational linkage between ‘Yi Du Social Welfare Foundation’ and the local has evolved from ‘integrated dependence’ and ‘integrated autonomy’ to ‘separate autonomy.’ In addition, in terms of the three principal concepts of social capital: networks, trusts and norms, this study explores the interaction between the local and ‘Dongshih Yi Du Social Welfare Foundation’. This is to understand how the foundation gained its resource from the local and local government at the time when it was launched and how the foundation rewards the society after its establishment and then recreates social capital. ‘Dongshih Yi Du Social Welfare Foundation,’ with its distinctive feature of Hakka culture, can be understood as social capital as well as cultural capital. The foundation not only embodies the Hakka community, but also illuminates the field of non-profit organizations in Taiwan.


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