  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 郭耀綸


恆春西海岸近年來遭受外來樹種銀合歡的入侵,海岸林全線形成以銀合歡為絕對優勢的林分,為將此處海岸林恢復成以原生樹種為主的森林,於2008年6月在恆春西海岸石珠試驗地,進行銀合歡移除作業,並栽植17種恆春海岸林原生樹種苗木。本研究目的為探討不同移除帶寬度對各栽植樹苗生長的影響,比較各樹種在此試驗地的生長及存活表現,並研擬樹種評選標準,供將來全面進行生態復育時,作業方式及樹種選擇之重要依據。 本試驗選用的樹種中,11種為先驅樹種,6種為非先驅樹種。栽植22個月後,先驅樹種繖楊存活率達85%,海檬果、雀榕及臺灣海桐存活率均在70%以上,而欖仁及草海桐僅存活約30%。非先驅樹種林投、紅柴及樹青存活率在70%以上,而蓮葉桐及白榕僅約30%。先驅樹種血桐及繖楊之平均樹高可達150 cm以上,有6種樹高在100~150 cm間,而非先驅種6種之樹高則均在100 cm以下。先驅樹種之樹高相對高生長率除了4種外均大於100%,而非先驅樹種此性狀均低於100%。栽植經過22個月後,所有樹種單株樹冠幅寬均低於90 cm,先驅種以血桐之72 cm最寬。 以存活率、樹高、相對高生長率及樹冠幅寬等4項生長表現,當作先驅樹種適用與否的評比依據,且依選擇目的作不同權重之排序,結果可將這些樹種區分成四個等級,表現最好的樹種為血桐、繖楊與臺灣海桐;表現次優者為水黃皮、雀榕與稜果榕,其後為草海桐、臭娘子及海檬果;欖仁及黃槿為本試驗綜合表現最差者。非先驅樹種只期望能在環境逆境較高的復育初期存活下來,以增加森林組成及功能的多樣性,其中林投、紅柴、樹青及瓊崖海棠擁有約70%的存活率表現最好,白榕與蓮葉桐因為存活率太低而列為不適種,但若為增加森林之多樣性,可考慮林下栽植。 在不同移除帶寬度方面,大部分樹種在12 m寬銀合歡移除帶表現較好,但本試驗區之前生樹密度較高,對栽植苗木及試區移除銀合歡後的環境有一定程度的保護作用,所以銀合歡移除帶寬度的選取及使用,仍需依現地前生樹豐量做考量。


West coast of Hengchun had been invaded by alien tree species Leucaena leucocephala for several years. Removal of Leucaena and native species reforestation had been implemented at survey plot in June 2008, for restoring the coastal foerest to native-species dominated stand. Two different width of cutting strips was used as Ecological silviclture treatments; 17 native tree species were selected as candidates tree seedlings and standard of selecting tree species for forest restoration was developed. The 22 months performance after planting indicate that, only one pioneer species, Thespesia populnea, had excellent survival rate up to 85%, three species including Cerbera manghas, Ficus superb and Pittosporum pentandrum had survived over 70% , and worst survival rates of 30% came to Terminalia catappa and Scaevola sericea. The survival rates of three non-pioneer species, Pandanus odoratissimus, Aglaia formosana and Planchonella obovata, are higher than 70%. Two non-pioneer species, Hernandia nymphiifolia and Ficus benjamina had survived only 30%. Means of tree height of two pioneer species, Macaranga tanarius and Thespesia populnea, are over 150 cm. Tree height of 6 pioneer species are between 100~150 cm, Cerbera manghas and Scaevola sericea are less than 100 cm. Tree heights of non-pioneer species are all under 100 cm. Relatively tree height of 7 pioneer species are over 100%, and all non-pionerr species are less than 100%. Crown width of all species is smaller than 90 cm and the best one is pioneer species Macaranga tanarius with 70 cm. We designed an assessment standards for selecting pioneer species according to survival rate, tree height, relatively tree height and crown width and sorting through different weigh into four levels. First level with excellent performance contains Macaranga tanarius, Thespesia populnea and Pittosporum pentandrum. Second level species are Millettia pinnata, Ficus superb and Ficus septic. The third level species are Scaevola sericea, Premna serratifolia and Cerbera manghas. The worst performance pioneer species are Terminalia catappa and Hibiscus tiliaceus. Only one request for non-pioneer species is acceptable survival rate and results with three species, Pandanus odoratissimus, Aglaia formosana, Planchonella obovata and Calophyllum inophyllum, in good survival rate of 70%. The survival rate of Ficus benjamina and Hernandia nymphiifolia is too low to accept but considering second planting for enriching forest diversity. Most species had better performance in 12 m width cutting strips but density of advance tree should be pay more attention when setting up cutting strips.


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