  • 期刊

Human Pulmonary Edema Caused by Fusarium Mycotoxins-A Case Report

鐮刀黴菌毒素(Fusarium Mycotoxins)所引發的人類肺水腫-一病例報告


根據文獻記載,食入鐮刀黴菌毒素(Fusarium mycotoxins)可讓各種動物致病,包括豬的肺水腫(pulmonary edema),馬的白腦質疏鬆症(equine leucoencephalomalacia),家禽畜的肝腎病變,以及實驗動物的惡性腫瘤等。在人類方面,亦曾報告過食入此種毒素可能與食道癌、肝炎,甚至是肝癌有關。但卻從無報告過導致急性肺水腫的情形。在此,我們提出一例吃了發霉的水梨所引發的急性肺水腫個案。在排除許多肺水種的形成因素之後,我們認定黴菌毒素為致病原因。患者接受了支持性的治療以及非侵襲性正壓呼吸器的使用後,病況改善良好,X光上的肺水腫也消褪的很快。患者在出院後九個月的追蹤時,顯示無任何後遺症。說我們所知,這可能是全球首例被報告由食入鐮刀黴菌毒素(Fusarium mycotoxins)所造成的人類急性肺水腫。


Research indicates the ingestion of Fusarium mycotoxins can lead to various diseases in animals, including pulmonary edema in swine, equine leucoencephalomalacia in horses, hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects in other domestic animals, and carcinogenesis in laboratory animals. Some published research points to an association with esophageal cancer, hepatitis, and hepatic cell carcinoma in humans, however, these reports do not mention acute pulmonary edema being caused by the ingestion of this kind of mycotoxin. Herein, we report a case of acute pulmonary edema attributed to eating a rotten pear. We excluded many causative factors for pulmonary edema and diagnosed Fusarium mycotoxins. The patient was treated with supportive care and a non-invasive positive pressure ventilator. There was a good response and the lung edema resolved completely. After a follow-up of 9 months from discharge, the patient had no sequelae. To our understanding, this is the first case of human pulmonary edema related to the ingestion of Fusarium mycotoxins reported in the medical literature.
