  • 學位論文


A Study of Social E-commerce Business Model’s Impact on Group Buying Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳家麟


自2016年阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲提出新零售概念後,對全球零售業產生重大影響。隨後2017至2018年,中國「社交電商」迅速崛起,將社交化元素應用於電子商務交易過程,重新定義新零售及電商產業,目前位居中國電商產業第三名的拼多多,即為一家主打低價拼團的社交平台。另一方面,台灣合購文化盛行多年,產值超過120億新台幣,然而消費者多習慣於利用Line群組、Facebook社團等私人群組進行合購行為,發展已久的線上合購平台至今未能成為市場主流。 綜合前述背景,本研究選定社交電商之首—拼多多及台灣最大合購網站—愛合購作為個案對象,並利用Osterwalder, Pigneur, Bernarda & Smith (2014) 之《價值主張年代 (Value Proposition Design)》一書作為分析工具,輔以個案研究法、半結構式訪談法、問卷調查法與次級資料分析法等研究方法,希望探討台灣消費者對於社交電商之商業模式的接受程度,同時比較兩家公司的差異,期望進一步為台灣合購業者提出優化建議。 透過價值適配分析可以發現,拼多多與台灣消費者顧客素描之適配程度較高,顯示台灣消費者並非對線上合購平台無需求,而是目前合購平台仍有待改善之處,以致消費者仍依賴傳統的私人合購管道。因此,本研究針對愛合購提出優化使用者介面與平台功能、商品多元化、個人化體驗及互動式行銷等改善方針,期望藉此更貼近台灣消費者的需求。 最後,本研究進階思考大型電商平台,如淘寶、蝦皮購物,近期陸續跨足合購市場之策略意義,得出其核心目標為藉合購帶來人流、金流、社群等,擴展自身生態圈,同時本研究亦針對合購市場未來發展提出兩項建議,包含結合平台型與主購型合購、創造虛擬主購場景,以增加台灣消費者使用線上合購平台之意願,進而提升線上平台於合購市場之整體競爭力。


Since the new retail business model was introduced by Jack Ma, the co-founder of Alibaba Group, back in 2016, this concept has had a significant impact on the retail industry around the world. In 2017, the concept of social e-commerce, combination of social networking plus e-commerce, has risen in China and reshaped the new retail and e-commerce industry. Pinduoduo, which ranked third in China’s e-commerce market, is one of the most promising social e-commerce platforms, focusing on the group buying. One the other hand, while the group buying has prevailed for years in Taiwan, there is no online group buying platforms like Pinduoduo to be the mainstream, whereas Taiwanese customers tend to use Line or Facebook as their main channels of group buying. With this background, Pindoudou and Taiwan’s biggest group buying platform- ihergo are selected as the objects of the case study. In order to research and examine the impacts of social e-commerce on Taiwanese group buying industry and customers, Osterwalder, Pigneur, Bernarda & Smith’s (2014) “Value Proposition Design” is used as the analytical tool. We compare the value fit between Pindoudou’s, ihergo’s value maps and Taiwanese customer profile, and further propose an optimization strategic plan based on the comparison for Taiwanese group buying platforms. From the result of the above analysis, we find that the extent of Pindoudou’s value fit with Taiwanese customers is higher than ihergo’s. It shows that Taiwanese customers desire to use an online group buying platform; however, the current platforms cannot meet their needs, so they still use traditional and private channels for group buying. Therefore, we suggest ihergo improve the user interface and functions, product diversification, personalized user experience and interactive marketing to get closer to Taiwanese customers. At the end of the thesis, we discuss the reason why those popular e-commerce platforms, including Taobao and Shopee, stepped into the field of group buying recently. We conclude that their core strategy is to expand the enterprise ecosystem by acquiring the customer flow, money flow and social network from group buying. Meanwhile, we provide two solutions: combine two types of group buying and create the virtual host of group buying, which can increase the willingness of Taiwanese customers to use online group buying platforms, and further improve online platforms’ competitive advantages in the group buying market.


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