  • 學位論文


A Study of Automation Technology for Reader Services in Taiwanese Public Libraries

指導教授 : 林維真


圖書館自動化是使圖書館提升內部工作效率的一項重要發展。隨著資訊科技的發展,圖書館自動化亦開始扮演協助進行讀者服務的角色。目前已有許多國內外圖書館透過各種自動化科技服務設備的應用讓讀者服務有更多的可能性。然而公共圖書館身為滿足一般民眾資訊需求的重要場所,在受限於各項資源條件限制與規範下決定如何選擇與導入自動化科技服務設備,經常由於缺乏對現況整體的認識與評估而遭遇困難。同時過去國內研究對於公共圖書館自動化科技服務設備的大規模整體調查較少,因此從事圖書館自動化科技服務設備調查有其必要性。 本研究依據文獻回顧整理出的8項自動化科技服務設備,以及回顧國內與自動化科技服務設備相關的各種研究與調查,針對臺灣公共圖書館自動化科技服務設備的擁有現況及使用情形、需求、與服務品質之間關係等四大項目,於民國103年7月∼8月對臺灣公共圖書館進行調查,回收360份有效問卷。 研究結果顯示(1)電腦或館藏查詢機的擁有現況大幅領先其他自動化科技服務設備(2)流通功能的自動化科技服務設備使用頻率不高(3)鄉鎮市區圖書館擁有自動化科技服務設備的狀況落後於直轄市及縣市文化局圖書館(4)最常使用自動化科技服務設備的讀者類型為成年及青少年讀者(5)不需要購買自動化科技服務設備的主因中排名第一的是整體需求程度不高(6)經費不足為臺灣公共圖書館認為引進自動化科技服務設備最大的困難(7)臺灣公共圖書館認為讀者使用自動化科技服務設備常需要館員協助解決問題(8)臺灣公共圖書館認為配置自動化科技服務設備的好處是讀者可以自助服務(9)圖書館員對自動化科技服務設備多持正面態度但卻缺乏相關的知識與技能。最後,本研究針對台灣公共圖書館之行政體系、輔導體系與圖書館提出實務建議與研究建議,以強化整體圖書館自動化科技服務之效率與表現。


In order to reveal the status of automation facilities in Taiwanese libraries, rendering assistance to public libraries in Taiwan, this study reorganized previous studies of library automation status, library statistics, library performance measurement, library service quality and user satisfaction, and investigated the needs, adoption and acceptance toward the 8 major automation technologies for reader services in Taiwanese public libraries. This study collected 360 valid questionnaires from 469 Taiwanese public libraries (response rate 76.76%). The results showed that: 1) Computers or kiosks for collection search were the commonest technology public libraries adopted for reader service. 2) The utilization of self-checkout facilities was low. 3) There existed urban-rural area gap in terms of public libraries’ adoption of automation technology for reader services. 4) The major concern of public libraries to adopt automation technologies for reader service is the subsiding requirements from the users, and the declining necessities seen by the libraries. It was also found that most readers had problems to operate the facilities and required librarians’ assistance. With the automation technologies for reader service, more library users were able to help themselves utilize the library resources, also seen as the major benefits with the technologies. In general, most participants of this study had positive attitudes to automation technology for reader services, but they didn’t have enough knowledge on it. Based on the results, suggestions regarding the future research and field practices were made with respects to the administrative, consultancy, and executive affairs for public libraries in Taiwan.


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