  • 學位論文


Explore the Psychological Process of Smoking Behavior and its Relationship with Personality and Quality of Life

指導教授 : 姚開屏




Smoking is the forefront representation of common epidemiology. With the increasing rate of smoking and the co-morbidity of diseases related to smoking, it brings public health to the researcher’s attention. Nevertheless, recent research on smoking in Taiwan has been focused on the prevention of smoking and it is uncommon to explore the mechanism of smoking behavior and addiction from a psychological standpoint. Despite that there has been a long and prominent history between the relationship of psychology and smoking, few researchers in Taiwan are interested in this topic. Since the 1960s, researchers abroad have been using factor analysis to study the reasons behind smoking. Many studies explored the relationship between personality and addiction; the first nicotine dependency scale was an invention of a psychologist. When the construct of quality of life had been developed as an evaluated index, related research of smoking status and quality of life became connected. The three topics mentioned above have had significant findings in the field. The present study attempts to consider smoking behavior, personality and quality of life within a single frame, and measure the relations simultaneously by structure equation model. In study 1, the measurement instrument had been translated and evaluated, results support the instrument have good reliability and validity. The second study uses the motivation behind smoking as a mediation variable between personality and smoking behavior, showing different personality forms the same behavior by different motives. Study 3 aims at the potential mediation model of neuroticism and explore how personality and smoking behaviors can affect the quality of life.


李景美、張鳳琴、賴香如、江振東、李碧霞、陳雯昭、張瑜真(2008)。「台北縣市高職學生開始使用成癮物質之危險與保護因子追蹤研究」(A Prospective Study of the Risk and Protective Factors of Substance Use among Vocational High School Students in Taipei)。「臺灣公共衛生雜誌」,27(5),399-410。
林冠品、樓美玲、劉波兒(2004)。醫護大學學生戒菸後再回復吸菸的經驗(The Experiences of Resuming Smoking among Medical College Students)。「護理雜誌」,51(6),55-63。
