  • 學位論文


Simulation of Optimal Operations in Urban Drainage Systems

指導教授 : 謝尚賢
共同指導教授 : 郭振泰


都市下水道系統乃是現代化都市基礎建設之一環。下水道系統可分為合流式與分流式等不同形式,合流式下水道系統乃是將污水與雨水以單一管路排除,分流式下水道系統污水與雨水分別由不同之管路排除。有研究指出,異常暴雨發生時下水道系統之效能常未能充分發揮,所以容易造成都市內水積淹。因此,一些先進國家對於都市下水道系統乃開始採即時控制(real time control)方式,以期在暴雨來襲時使得下水道系統之效能得以充分發揮,降低CSO(combined sewer overflow)直接排放到河川、海洋或漫淹到地表的數量。 本研究的主要目的為假設不增加現有的分流式雨水下水道抽水站系統的容量,模擬都市地區雨水下水道系統於人孔中裝置閘門進行最佳化操作所能提升現有抽水站系統之效能(即抽水站系統內總溢流量降低之程度)。研究過程中自行研發一雨水下水道最佳化操作模擬系統—RTCFT,該系統以多執行緒技術(multithread technology)整合了由美國環保署所發展之下水道水理模式(SWMM)和一開放原始碼的基因演算法程式庫(GAlib)。為了模擬閘門操作,本研究提出虛擬抽水機概念,並將此概念實作於RTCFT中。並以實際台北市雨水下水道系統第四分區中港、實踐與保儀木新抽水站系統為實際研究案例進行最佳化操作模擬。經由模擬的結果顯示:(1)各個獨立抽水站系統設置閘門進行最佳化操作均能使其溢流量降低。(2)各獨立抽水站系統裝置閘門,配合不同區域以抽水機調水進行聯合操作模擬,亦能使其總溢流量下降。此外,本研究所提出之系統整合技術能有效的應用於不同模式之間的參數動態交換,只要這些早期發展模式是以顯式有限差分法實作的。


Urban drainage systems are the most fundamental facilities in modern developed cities. There are two sewer systems in urban drainage systems: combined and separated. The waste and runoff caused by rain are drained in a single tunnel or pipe in the combined sewer systems. However, the separated sewer system uses a different kind of pipe to drain waste water and runoff. It is indicated by many researches that the performance of the sewer systems would not reach its designed capacity when rainfall with larger return periods occurs. In developed nations, real time control sewer systems are widely applied to anticipate the probability of inundation caused by heavy rainfall. The main objective of the research is to simulate the performance (e.g. reduction of the total overflow volume in the drainage system) of the current dranage systems under optimized gate operations without extra capacity imposed to them. A drainage optimized simulation system, named RTCFT, which employes multithread technologt to integrate SWMM developed by US EPA and GAlib, an open source genetic algorithm library. Virtual pumps concept is proposed to model gate operations and implemented in RTCFT. Taking Zhongang, Shijian, and Baoyi pumping systems simulates the performance under optimized operations. The simulated results show: (1) total overflow volume in each pumping system which gates are installed in the manholes reduced under optimized gate operations. (2) these pumping systems with gates installation connented by pumps reduced the total overflow volume under optimized operations. In addition, the proposed integrated technology are suitable for parameters exchange dynamically in different models as long as the models are developed by using explicit finite difference method.


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