  • 學位論文


Cost Analysis of Upgrading Exclusive Bus Lane to Bus Rapid Transit

指導教授 : 張學孔


公車專用道系統的設立能有效提升公車營運效率,並且達成車輛分流之效果,進而降低意外事故發生率。然而當公車專用道之運量隨著都市發展日漸增長,公車專用道系統逐漸無法擔負龐大的運輸需求,公車專用道開始出現車隊現象,營運效率和服務品質因而開始下降,而將公車專用道提升為公車捷運系統是值得思考的改善方案 一般公車專用道系統可視為初階型態之公車捷運系統,其具有造價低、工期短、營運效率高,服務路線靈活等多樣特色。本研究以分析性數學模式分別探討公車專用道系統與公車捷運系統的營運績效,並據以評估將公車專用道提升為公車捷運系統之適當時機。研究中以台北市仁愛路公車專用道作為案例進行分析,研究結果顯示將仁愛路公車專用道系統升級為公車捷運系統效益有限,其主因為仁愛路公車專用道路廊長度未達合理規模。此外,經由敏感度分析顯示當公車專用道超過一定長度及需求密度高過一定門檻後,將會有利於引入全功能之公車捷運系統。本研究建立之數學模式及分析成果,可以作為公車捷運系統之規劃設計參考。


Exclusive bus lane could effectively enhance the efficiency of bus operation, and divert the mixed traffic to reduce the rate of accident. While the demand in exclusive bus lane is growing along with urban development, bus lane capacity gradually could not satisfy the demand, and then the insufficient capacity causes the phenomenon of bus queues. It has been recognized that bus rapid transit (BRT) could be one of the alternatives to increase the operation efficiency and service quality of the exclusive bus lane. Exclusive bus lane has been considered as Pre-BRT system. It has the features of low investment cost, short construction period, high operation performance, and flexible service routes. This study aims to develop an analytic model to explore cost and benefits of exclusive bus lane and BRT and their comparative advantages. Taipei Jen-Eye Exclusive Bus Lane has been used as the case study. It is shown that comparatively small benefit could be obtained by transforming the exclusive bus lane into a BRT system. It is mainly due to a short corridor. It is also shown from the sensitivity analysis that there is a threshold for obtaining significant benefits by the transforming the bus lane into BRT. Mathematical model developed and results of numerical case shown in this study can be used for planning guideline of BRT system.


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