  • 學位論文


An Evaluation of Policy formulation to Promote Public Transportation: A Case Study in Chiayi City

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


食、衣、住、行自古即為人類基本的四大需要,為日常生活中不可或缺的一部份,是以,運輸設施不僅為一基本設施且為社會的公器。因此,運輸設施之規劃必須著眼於社會大眾的公共需要;運輸服務的提供,亦必須以公平而普及的為大眾服務為前題,本研究旨在探討目前公路公共運輸使用率偏低的成因與如何提升之策略方案,並以嘉義市為研究範圍,本研究之目的有(一)探討公共運輸使用率偏低的情形:從現有統計調查檢視國內目前各(市)公共運輸使用率的情形,進而瞭解偏低情形之嚴重程度。(二)提升公路公共運輸使用率的問題建構:檢視有關政策問題建構理論及方法並匯集與整合現有資料的調查與深度訪談之分析,診斷出公路公共運輸使用率偏低的癥結,以瞭解民眾真正的需求。(三)從前項診斷出來的問題點,結合交通運輸理論與工具,提出一套提升公路公共運輸使用率的有效方案,以作為政府機關後續規劃之參考。 本研究採取文獻分析、問卷調查及深度訪談等研究方法,並藉由政策規劃及問題建構之 相關理論及魚骨圖的分析技術,分別針對民眾進行問卷調查、業者及政府相關機關進行深度 訪談,依問卷及訪談結果進行分析與探討,並就目前公路公共運輸使用率偏低之問題加以檢 討與提出改善策略方案。 研究結果發現,影響公共運輸使用率偏低的因素,可規納為「供給面太少」、「需求面不 足」、「管理面不佳」及「環境面太差」等四個面向,並就此四個面向內之各問題點提出策略 方案,期能提供相關機關參考。


An Evaluation of Policy formulation to Promote Public Transportation: A Case Study in Chiayi City by Hui-Ping Hsu Sept 2011 ADVISOR(S):Dr. CHIOU,CHANG-TAY DEPARTMENT:PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY MAJOR: PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION DEGREE:MASTER OF LAW There are 4 fundamental needs essential to mankind: food, clothing, house and transport; that is, transport facilities as a basic device serve as a public tool as well. Thus, it is necessary to include what is needed by the mass and a fair and pervasive service in transport facility planning and in such provision, respectively. This study aims to inquire how to advance the low use of road public transport besides the causes in Chiayi City. The objectives include: a. exploration of low use of public transport via current statistics; b. issue construction for advanced use of road public transport via survey, interviews, theory and method of policy planning and issue construction; and c. proposal of effective programs able to advance use of road public transport to the competent authority via integrating theory and tool of transport along with the severity of low use of public transport and the causes thereof. The methodology covers literature review, questionnaires and deep interviews as well as the analysis of fishbone and theory of policy planning and issue construction. The subject contains the interviewees of the mass, makers and officials. Via analysis and exploration, the low use of road public transport and strategic program for improvement are reviewed and proposed, respectively. The factors are generalized as 4 dimensions: few supplies, insufficient demands, bad management, and bad environment. The strategic programs in terms of such dimensions are proposed as references to the competent authority.


