  • 學位論文


A Case-based Study on the Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy of Flat Panel Display Driver IC Industry

指導教授 : 郭佳瑋
共同指導教授 : 李吉仁


過去二十年來,平面顯示器技術獲得高速的發展,尤其TFT LCD技術在確立主流地位後,產業在亞洲蓬勃發展,TFT LCD驅動IC產業在台灣也建立起具競爭優勢的產業聚落。然而,隨著TFT LCD顯示技術及應用的成熟,TFT LCD驅動IC產業也面臨需求成長趨緩及毛利率持續下跌的困境;此外,隨著新的顯示技術 – AMOLED的典範轉移,TFT LCD的市場將變得更艱難,但若驅動IC廠商能順利過渡到AMOLED的市場,則廠商將能找到新的成長機會,雖然這同時也對驅動IC廠商帶來資源競爭的挑戰。 面對驅動IC市場的變化,本研究希冀透過對驅動IC的產業結構探討、競爭群組分析及技術發展趨勢,找出廠商定位及競爭策略,並嘗試從中歸納產業關鍵成功因素以給經營者策略佈局的參考。據此,本研究以個案H-公司為對象,首先針對H-公司的整體競爭優劣勢、關鍵成功因素適配性的分析,理清其產品競爭狀況及定位,並據此提出產品策略建議及其待發展之關鍵資源及能力,進而探討其策略執行將面對的變革挑戰及可能的解方。 本研究發現,個案H-公司的整體技術能力及規模仍有優勢,但在研發人力及資源有所不足,阻礙其產品轉型及長期技術發展,因此,建議除採取內部有機成長模式外,需搭配如購併或挖角手段,以迅速填補研發資源空缺,方能因應市場快速變化。此外,組織的運作上,建議改採事業群運作,並依產品類別分組以落實產品深耕及客戶導向型的運作,並據此落實差異化激勵的文化變革。最後,在新舊事業領導人及人才培養方面,最高領導人應審慎思考在原驅動IC產品線與新事業之間資源投入的平衡,以避免組織猜忌;同時,適度引入外部興業人才以促進新事業效率的展現是必要的手段,除需注意外部人員與公司文化融合的問題,也需積極培養驅動IC領導人才的能力及格局養成,以適切發展H-公司長期產品策略轉型及永續經營的終極目標。


During the past twenty years, the flat panel display industry, with TFT LCD as mainstream technology, has been booming in Asia. Benefited from the growth of TFT LCD display industry, TFT LCD driver IC industry has been well developed in Taiwan as well. As TFT LCD display applications and technologies are getting matured, however, the demand of TFT LCD driver IC is getting saturated and the gross margin is deteriorated. Recently, the new display technology AMOLED has been regarded as substitute of the TFT LCD and making the market of TFT LCD driver IC even worse. The driver IC vendors can re-gain the new growth momentum of the display market only if they can overcome the challenge of the new technology barrier of AMOLED, which is not an easy feat for most of the driver IC vendors. This thesis aims to explore the feasible opportunities and competitive strategies, as well as the key success factors of driver IC markets through the analysis of industry structure, strategic groups and trends of technology development. Using the case study on a Taiwanese company, we first investigate the overall competitiveness of the company by analyzing the key success factors and the product positioning of the company, then propose the product strategies for the company and indicate the key resources and capabilities that the company needs to develop for executing growth strategies. The potential challenges and the corresponding solutions are also discussed. Our research found that even though there is existing strength on the business scale and the overall technology capabilities, the case company should invest more R&D resources to enhance the transformation and technology development. M&A and headhunt should be options to improve the weakness in the R&D resource of the company. Making the company a performance-driven organization backed up with differential incentives would be a key approach to re-energize and transform the company. Finally, the resource balance between existing and new business groups inside the company should be well managed. The outside talent recruiting and entrepreneurship development should be emphasized in parallel to facilitate the strategic product transformation and sustainable development of the company.


李明軒、邱如美譯,1999,競爭優勢,台北:天下文化。Porter, M. E.,1985,Competitive Advantages, New York, NY: The Free Press.
周旭華譯,1998,競爭策略,台北:天下文化。Porter, M. E.,1980, Competitive Strategy, New York, NY: The Free Press.
