  • 學位論文


China's Influence on Media in Taiwan—A Case Stduy Based on Hong Kong Experience

指導教授 : 陳明通




After 1997, there are many phenomenon that shows Beijing’s expanding media influence in Hong Kong. The cozy ties between Hong Kong and China mean that editorial decisions can often be clouded by political and business concerns. Politically, more than half of the media owners in Hong Kong have been appointed to national political bodies in China, at the same time, yet with an ever-thinning bottom line, the harsh realities of commercial pressures have begun to make journalists practice self-censorship and chip away at editorial independence. Besides, more and more media leaders are being absorbed into China's political elite. Adding to concerns in the territory is a series of physical attacks on journalists, as well as steps taken by the local legislature that would hamper reporting. Hong Kong’s press freedoms are under siege. Meanwhile, in Taiwan, many media owners have close business ties to Beijing and are also vulnerable to financial intervention in the form of advertising by Chinese interests. The state of media freedom in Hong Kong and Taiwan is significant in part because news outlets in both places have in the past provided comprehensive, independent coverage of China, filling a gap left by the tightly restricted mainland press. This thesis used the case of Hong Kong to outline how China has sought to shape and influence Taiwanese media. According to the difference of current political status between Taiwan and Hong Kong, Taiwanese media may find a way to avoid China’s influence.


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