  • 學位論文


A Study on Exporting Agricultural Products from Taiwan to China through Taobao Channel

指導教授 : 羅竹平


讓農業成為一門好生意,很多農業相關的問題就能迎刃而解,電子商務的導入,正是鼓勵農民生產、促進農業發展的契機。中國大陸已經是世界第二大經濟體,而淘寶網是其市佔率最高的電子商務平台。 中國大陸已經是台灣外銷農產品的最大市場,農民使用電子商務有助於強調差異化的特色而提高利潤。食品廠商也有透過淘寶網拓展市場的需求,只是建置的成本難以負荷。對於有志進軍中國大陸市場的人,可以考慮在自由經貿區承包台灣農產品到淘寶網行銷。 淘寶村現象厚實了農村的基本建設,讓農村的社會結構與經濟環境都大幅提升,也能帶動農業的技術發展,值得台灣借鏡。


農產品 淘寶 淘寶網 淘寶村 支付寶 電子商務


Lots of the agriculture issues, difficulties, and problems could be easily solved once the agriculture business gets to be the star business. Once the e-commerce is utilized, it will then encourage the farmers to expand production, bring out great agriculture developing opportunities. While now China is the second largest economic region of the world, taobao.com is it’s the largest e-commerce trading platform. Since China has been the largest exporting market for Taiwan’s agriculture products, the farmers could increase their profits based upon the characteristics of difference emphasizing, if they utilize the e-commerce. Food manufactories also could develop the market demand via taobao.com, but they would suffer the heavy load in the building cost of the warehouse. For those whom want to enter the China market, they could consider the possibility to set up warehouse in free trading areas, as well as market their products via taobao.com. The idea of Taobao village improves farmer villages’ fundamental structures; enhances its social structures and economic environments significantly; as well as developing their agricultural technologies; definitely worth the Taiwanese to study.


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