  • 學位論文


Multi-source wafer map retrieval based on contrastive learning for root cause analysis in semiconductor manufacturing

指導教授 : 吳沛遠




In semiconductor manufacturing, wafer yield is a key success factor to determine profits. Since yield improvement involves analyzing the failures from hundreds of wafer process steps, which requires a lot of time and manpower, previous studies employ wafer map pattern recognition model or wafer map retrieval model for failure analysis. However, existing methods rely heavily on finding failures through known root cause patterns, resulting in detection of unknown root causes still limited to manual analysis by experienced engineers. A retrieval model is needed to directly detect unknown root causes by matching yield maps to fully scan maps of the same wafer one by one, namely multi-source wafer map retrieval model. Although existing multi source image retrieval models can eliminate the visual gap between wafer maps from different sources, most of these methods focus on finding semantically related samples (e.g. of the same defect category) and ignore the spatial significance that should be considered in multi-source wafer map retrieval, such as various sizes, shapes and locations of defect patterns on wafer maps. This study applies a contrastive learning based approach to address the visual gap between wafer maps from different sources, which also takes spatial information into account. This study also proposes a mixed sample strategy that applies pixelwise multiplication between wafer maps from different sources to indicate common defect locations. The effectiveness of our proposed retrieval approach is supported by testing results on in-line production wafer map datasets.


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