  • 學位論文

服務行銷的有形化與體驗創造:以福特汽車Quality Care為例

Creating Tangibility and Favorable Experience through Service Marketing:A Case Study of Ford Quality Care

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


過去台灣的經濟結構是一個以中小型企業為主的經濟體,擅長於生產製造、代工和成本控制等特性。隨著生活水準的提高,並有鑒於服務與知識經濟時代的來臨,如何讓大家體認到服務產業的潛力及重要性,乃至於透過服務行銷與體驗行銷的運用,來創造中小企業更大的生存空間和轉型,甚至連傳統製造業都可藉由服務行銷及策略的運用,來開發新利基以及創造附加價值,這將是一個關鍵而且具有意義的任務。這也是本論文所要討論的重點。 本論文研究嘗試以深入淺出和更為貼近實務的方式,來檢討以下三個重點:(1) 服務的特性,以及服務與其他產業或產品的差異;(2) 服務行銷的運用,以及服務在差異化、有形化、體驗行銷及女性行銷的策略運用;(3) 運用汽車業的企業實例來證明服務行銷對企業經營所能產生的影響和績效。


With the lifting of the living standard and the emerging era of the service and knowledge economy in Taiwan, how to educate the companies the importance and potential of service businesses, create more room for small and medium size business to grow and to transform, and even to create the niche and added value to the traditional manufacturers will be a critical and meaningful task. This direction is also the area that the thesis would like to focus on. This thesis has three study aspects: 1). Due to the nature of service and service business, it is very different from tangible products and manufacturers' production process because of the key factor---people; 2) By adopting the service marketing and its strategies in making intangible tangible, differentiation, experiential marketing, female marketing, and service innovation among products, process, and solutions, it could create significant value and returns in a longer term; 3) physical evidences of the selected Automotive Company’s case study has further proven the assumptions of the service marketing’s impact and effectiveness.


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