  • 學位論文


Spatial distribution of quality of life among Nantou’s residents after 1999 Taiwan earthquake

指導教授 : 詹長權


摘要 背景與目的:地震後災區居民生活品質之空間分佈,在此研究之前尚未被研究過。此研究目的為以地理資訊系統來計算1999年台灣地震後災區居民空間分佈沿著震央周圍之生活品質。 材料方法:此為一個橫斷性研究,在地震後ㄧ年引入1747位災區居民為研究對象,約佔南投縣20至65歲千分之五之人口。使用世界衛生組織生活品質問卷來測量災區居民之生活品質,並在我們的研究取得兩個地震相關的變項。個人校正後生活品質以一般線性迴歸模式校正年齡、性別、宗教信仰、教育程度、婚姻狀況、財物損失、親友死亡、房屋倒塌與財務困難之結果取得,且使用最小平方法計算而得個人與震央間之距離,最後使用地理資訊系統 ArcView 8.2 之逆距離加權法進行生活品質空間分布之模擬。以t-test來比較不同宗教信仰、教育程度與婚姻狀況之災區居民生活品質在四個層面及平均指數之差異情形。 結果:災區居民居住位置距離震央位置於生活品質在心理、社會及環境層面有顯著的改善,每增加1公里分數各增加0.2、0.1、0.1,而生活品質在生理層面與距離之間並無顯著影響。地理資訊系統之地圖與統計模式結果顯示等濃度之生活品質在空間有相似的趨勢,等濃度之生活品質並未對稱於震央周圍,而是朝著災區東邊的山地鄉鎮。此外災區居民居住位置距斷層距離五公里內,且距震央十五公里內,邊際影響生活品質在環境層面分數降低,降低程度為1.2。 討論:與震央距離是個重要的因子,可顯著預測災民地震後在心理、社會與環境之生活品質。因此在地震發生後,政府的資源除了以受災嚴重度分配之外,應考慮其居住距震央位置來考量,以做更適當的分配。


Abstract Background: Spatial distribution of residents’ quality of life (QOL)in the disaster areas after an earthquake has not been studied before. Aims: This study aims to use Geological Information System (GIS) to evaluate the distribution of residents’ QOL surrounding the epicenter after 1999 Taiwan earthquake. Methods: One cross-sectional survey on 1,747 residents in the disaster area was conducted one year after the 1999 Taiwan earthquake. The brief version of the World Health Organization’s Quality of Life (WHOQOL-BREF) was used to measure quality of life and a questionnaire was used to obtain earthquake-related variables for our study subjects. Individual’s adjusted QOL was obtained by using General Linear Models (GLM) to account for age, gender, religion, education, marital status, financial loss, bereavement, house damage, and financial hardship. Individual’s distance to the epicenter was calculated by the least-square method. The contours of QOL surrounding the epicenter were developed by the inverse distance weighted (IDW) method in the ArcView 8.2. Results: Residents’ distance away from epicenter in improved significantly their quality of life in psychological, social and environmental domains. Their increases were 0.2, 0.1, and 0.1 per kilometer, respectively. No significant association was found between distance and QOL in the physiological domain. The GIS maps showed QOL contours had similar spatial trend as statistical modeling results. The QOL contours were not symmetry around epicenter but were easterly leaned toward the mountain townships in the disaster areas. Conclusion: Distance from epicenter is a significant predictor of resident’s QOL in psychological, social and environmental domains after an earthquake.


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