  • 學位論文


The Key Factors Affecting Consumer's Use Behaviors in the Internet Banking

指導教授 : 梁德昭


隨著網際網路的普及,各種金融服務紛紛上網,各家銀行紛紛成立網路銀行,且對於網路銀行的業務投注了大量的心力,希望能在未來的網路銀行業務中,提供給客戶更為完善的服務。   本研究以整合型科技接受模式(UTAUT)為理論基礎,探討消費者採用網路銀行服務系統的使用意圖與實際行為,會受到哪些關鍵因素影響。同時考慮在網際網路上進行交易時,安全性是消費者與銀行最重視的問題,而網路銀行安全性是否會影響消費者的知覺風險,進而使知覺風險影響到使用者的使用意圖,也是本研究欲探討之範圍。   本研究設計以問卷調查法進行,共回收有效樣本146份。經實證研究的結果發現:(1)「績效期望」、「心力耗費期望」會正向且顯著影響消費者採用網路銀行的「使用意圖」;「知覺風險」會負向且顯著影響消費者採用網路銀行的「使用意圖」;但社會影響並未受到重視。(2)「使用意圖」會正向且顯著影響消費者採用網路銀行的「實際行為」;但促成因素並無顯著影響消費者採用網路銀行的「實際行為」。(3)「網路銀行安全性」會負向且顯著影響消費者採用網路銀行的「知覺風險」。


Along with the Internet popularization, each kind of financial service accesses the net in abundance, various bank in abundance tenable internet banking, also concentrated the massive mental efforts regarding the internet banking service, hoped will be able in the future internet banking service, to provide to a customer more perfect service.   This research is based on Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology(UTAUT)to discuss the key factors affecting consumer's behavior intention and use behavior in the internet banking. Simultaneously considered carries on the transaction in the Internet, the security is a question which the consumer and the bank most takes. But internet banking security whether can affect consumer's Perceived Risk, then causes Perceived risk to affect user's behavior intention, also is this research wants scope of the discussion.   146 effective samples were taken form a sampling survey of questionnaire by Convenience sampling . The finding shows that:(1)Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy would significant influence consumer's behavior intention using the Internet Banking positively. Perceived Risk would significant influence consumer's behavior intention negatively. Social Influence would not significant influence consumer's behavior intention.(2)Behavior intention would significant influence consumer's use behavior using the Internet Banking positively. Facilitating conditions would not significant influence consumer's use behavior.(3)The Internet Banking Security would significant influence consumer's Perceived Risk Using Internet Banking negatively.


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